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He who controls the past controls the future, he who controls the present controls the past.

Kings landing ?


Prince Jaehaerys Targaryen.

He woke up, climbed out of bed, and stretched his tiredness away, feeling the twinge where the small bruise had formed. The strike had been hard but it was not enough to unhorse him, Ser Barristan falling to his lace for the first time ever. It gave him the chance to win, to crown her, and see that smile he enjoyed seeing so much. The one she kept for him and him alone. Walking away from the bed he called for the servant to ready the bath and when it was prepared he lowered himself into it and felt the warmth of the water as it soothed his small aches and pains. Jae bathed but he used it more for that relief it brought him than out of any need to wash.

Dressing quickly, he walked from the room, Ser Jaime smiling at him upon seeing that his hair was down and not tied up as it usually was. His sworn shield knew him far too well and he knew that Margaery preferred him to wear his hair this way. Jae knowing by the smirk on Jaime's face that he was in for a torrid time when they sparred after he broke his fast. Nameday or not, the White Lion would not care and Jae would be at the receiving end of both his blade and his tongue before they headed to the tourney grounds. Still, there was no one he'd rather have as his Kingsguard than Ser Jaime, no man he trusted more than the famed Lannister Knight.

Reaching the room he saw the Bold and Prince Lewyn were on guard this morn, Ser Arthur obviously getting his final practices in and Jae shuddered at that. He knew that he'd more than likely have to face the Sword of the Morning before the day was done. The Bold gave him a warm smile while Prince Lewyn looked at his hair and smirked. Jae turned around to see if Ser Jaime wore a smile that would prove he'd told the Dornishman of the reasons why he wore it so. Though he found Ser Jaime to be far too good of a mummer to be certain if he had or had not.

"My prince." Prince Lewyn said with a nod.

"Ser Arthur?" he asked seeing Lewyn now smile even more.

"Practicing to put a prince on his arse, my prince." Lewyn said with a chuckle and Jae sighed as he walked into the room.

Elia sat speaking to his grandmother and aunt while Rhae, Egg, and Viserys were speaking together, only his father noticed his arrival, and as always greeted him with a warm smile. Though soon enough Rhae saw him too, his sister beckoning him over to sit in the seat she'd saved beside her. Jae greeted Elia and his grandmother with a kiss to their cheeks and laughed as Dany put her face forward expecting a kiss too.

"I'd not have my brother jealous, aunt." he said looking to see Egg roll his eyes, his brother knowing that just like him, Jae had also given his heart to the woman he loved.

"Egg needs to be jealous once or twice a day at least as far as I'm concerned." Dany said, Egg looking to her and nodding that he agreed.

They had an odd relationship, teasing each other, almost provoking each other into showing their true feelings. Jae could only put it down to how long it had taken them to realize that they were in love and not just accepting of their betrothal. He leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek, hearing his brother gasp loudly, the mocking tone of it not lost on Dany or on Rhae as he sat down beside his sister and kissed hers too.

"Not even close to good enough, Aegon Targaryen." Dany said as if she was put out and this time it was Rhae who rolled her eyes.

The Dragon Cub - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now