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Battle for the Dawn 302 AC.


Ser Richard Lonmouth.

He had listened as his king gave a speech to the men while riding a horse rather than a dragon and he had to admit it had been the right choice to do it that way. As impressive as it would have looked from Rhaenix's back, he doubted he'd have been able to ride along the line and look each man and woman in the eyes, something he was certain that Jae had wished to do. Richard was stirred by it, he had felt it resonate deep inside of him and he believed the men felt it too.

Listening to them laugh as the king said that he too wished to be elsewhere had been a welcome sound as had their cheers when he'd finished speaking. Feeling the chill as the air grew colder around him though had taken some of that good cheer away. When he saw the light he'd had to turn away so bright was it. The chill though had retreated and the light itself soon faded into one that he could at least look at and then he heard the king's voice as it boomed out loudly in the quietness of the night.

"Fire Everything." Jae shouted and Richard grabbed his torch and waved it from side to side, hearing the sound of the catapults as they were loosed and the barrels flew through the air.

Some men stood and watched after they'd fired the first set of barrels, almost as if they'd done their jobs and it annoyed him greatly.

"Did you not hear the king, everything, fire everything." he said as the men began to reload the catapults with another barrel, Richard running down the line shouting at others to do the same as he waved the torch in the air.

Another volley, then another and then he heard them in the distance. The two dragons flying over their heads riderless and with their own parts to play.

"Hold" he shouted, waving the torch up and down to send the signal for others to do the same.

Then he like those with him turned to look out at the darkness and he watched as Rhaegal and Sandorix laid down their flames. For a moment nothing happened and then he heard the booming sound and the world was once again bright. He saw the dragons as they flew high in the sky, both turning from where they had just flown over and now heading south once more. Their jobs were done, their part had been played, and looking up to them in the unearthly green light he could see they were unharmed.

"The Wildfire has been dealt with my king." he said as he stood in Jae's solar.

"It's safe?

"I believe so, not even a flaming arrow could set it alight according to Thoros and the red priestesses." Richard said as he took a seat and looked to the king who bore an odd look on his face "Your grace?"

"A dragon, Richard, could a dragon's flames set it alight?" Jae asked and Richard looked at him curiously "I don't know your grace."

"Have a barrel brought to the Dragonpit, Rhaenix, and I will see if it's so." Jae said and saw his worried look "Far from here, Richard." he added, alleviating his concerns.

"And if it does, if Rhaenix can set it alight?" he asked.

"Then it could come in very useful in the future, very useful." Jae said with a small smile on his face and was he not who he was then it would have concerned him a little.

Richard though had no reason to be concerned by his king, he was as far from Aerys as any man could be and so when he'd come to him and told him what he wished to do with the wildfire, he'd been amazed. Seeing it now and watching the world be lit up with green flames he wore a large smile on his face. Aerys greatest wish, what would have been his worst ever crime committed upon the realm, was now being used to save the realm by his grandson. The gods work in mysterious ways indeed and as the range of the catapults was set further he found himself just as eager as Aerys had been to see it burn them all.

The Dragon Cub - Part 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora