728 16 7

King's Landing 300 AC.


When she'd taken up her role at Storm's End she'd expected some pushback from the lords, both Davos and her mother warning her that there may well be those who didn't wish her to be in charge. Shireen could understand that, as most didn't know her and Storm's End by right should perhaps go to her uncle. Though Renly was not only in no shape to be its lord, he was in far more disfavor with the king and queen as well over what he'd done to the food stocks while he was running King's Landing.

There was also Edric to think about, the Stormlords knew her cousin far better than they did her, and yet he had disappeared and wouldn't be returning. The king telling her, Davos, and her mother that his men had been the ones to make all her cousins disappear and they were all safe and sound though they would never hold more than a small keep of their own. It had worried them all greatly at first until Davos had found out that Edric's new keep was to be near his mother's family's lands and that Mya Stone was to marry a knight and be given a keep near Harrenhal.

"Is it a marriage she's being forced into Ser Davos?" she asked worriedly.

"No, my lady, it's a marriage she both wishes for and that the king's men promised her, a marriage she'd not have been allowed were it not for the king and queen's direct interference." Davos said.

"She's happy?" she asked.

"She is my lady." Davos said and it made her smile.

It filled her with so much relief as it allowed for her to believe the words the king and queen said about her own marriage. They'd told her they'd not force her into one and only wished to approve it and though that worried her mother, again it was Ser Davos who told her the truth of things. It wasn't that they'd deny her a marriage if the time came, only that were she to seek out one with too large a house or one that seemed overly political they'd needed to consider it before allowing it. At first, she didn't truly understand and then over time it became more clear to her. If she was to marry someone who may be opposed to the king and queen, in word if not deed, then they'd see her marriage as a threat and so it wouldn't be allowed.

They had no need to worry though, she was and would be loyal to them. The trade deals she'd been given would see the Stormlands prosper, the scars on her face were no longer there and she'd been given the freedom to make her own choices in almost everything. Firstly though she needed to make the Stormlords loyal to her and so from the moment she got to Storm's End she set about doing so. She had brought few of the household from Dragonstone with her and so she was happy to leave those she found at Storm's End in their positions. Should there need to be changes, then in time she'd make them with Ser Davos's help.

For the first few moons of her being in charge, she'd sought out as many of the Lords of the Stormlands as she could and spoken to them personally. They'd been happy with the new trade and surprisingly with her, most having feared that it wouldn't be a Baratheon who would take up the mantle of Lord Paramount and Lord of Storm's End. Shireen had set to work on finding out the wants and needs of her bannermen as quickly as she could. Some needed coin to rearm their men and fill the ranks they'd lost, others needed to redo their stocks or rebuild their keeps, and some were seeking advancement in other areas.

"Tell me more about Lady Errol and her son, Ser Davos?" she asked as they sat in her solar.

"Lady Shyra is a good woman, my lady, a widow who runs her lands and Haystack Hall as regent while her son…"

"Her son?" she asked.

"Was close with your uncle, my lady, he though not a bad lad by any means was far too happy with having no responsibilities and to leave the running of his keep and lands to his mother."

The Dragon Cub - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now