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King's Landing 298 AC.


They had left Dragonstone that morning, Dany feeling nervous and excited. If all went well in a few hours she'd be meeting more of her family. As she flew on Ellagon she wondered what they would be like, would her brother be as happy to see her as she was him. Was her nephew who everyone said he was and what exactly did a prophesied prince look like.

She had learned a lot more from Aurane about both her brother and her nephew. Tyrion was smart, funny, and betrothed to the princess of Dorne, his dragon Lygaron was a bright bronze and he loved his family. Jaehaerys was her age, and Aurane seemed to almost worship him and the things he had done. The way he'd speak about him was as if he was some legend come to life.

Dany found it funny, her nephew had learned one lesson it seemed, their family needed to be seen as more than. Despite the many things she disagreed with Viserys about, that one thing had stuck with her. From the moment their family was considered the same as everyone else, people then had no qualms about replacing them. For almost three hundred years no one had dared, other than other members of their own family, but once they saw them as no better than any other then they had moved. True there were many other reasons behind the rebellion, as she'd come to find out, but that was one of them and it was one they need to be wary of in the future.

"Blackwater Bay." she heard Shiera call out as her aunt pointed down below them.

Seeing it in front of her a part of her wished to land and walk the halls of the Red Keep. To stand in the throne room, and to finally see the Iron Throne that Aegon had forged. Yet it was on and past the Red Keep, they flew. Shiera pointed ahead and Dany looked to see green flames in the sky, a chill going down her spine knowing what they were. She urged Ellagon to fly faster and as they flew over the gates she saw men entering and then the green flames still burning something some distance away.

Then she heard the excited sounds coming from Ellagon, Rhaegal, and Sandorix, looking ahead she could see why. The white dragon was huge, far bigger than any of her children. It was also different and Dany couldn't see why for a moment until she finally saw it when the dragon stood up. It had four legs and its wings seemed to come out from it's back. Was that how it was so much larger she wondered?.

A little way off she could see a group of men, one wearing golden armor and one in the most incredible black armor she'd ever seen. Was this her nephew? If so where was her brother? She flew past them and heard Ellagon's excitement once more, there ahead of them was another dragon, this one bronze and she smiled knowing now her brother was here also. Once again though she was surprised by how much larger the dragon was than her own, had they hatched earlier, or did her nephew know more about dragons than she did. She let the thoughts fade for now and turned to fly back to where her nephew was.

"Tegun Ellagon." (Land Ellagon) she said and her dragon did what she asked, landing a little distance away from the white dragon and much closer to the men.

She had barely had time to climb down when they were in front of her, the man in the golden armor she knew now had to be Jaime Lannister, his blond hair and green eyes making him a very handsome man. There were two men wearing White Cloaks standing behind the man she was sure now was her nephew, for surely these men could only be Kingsguard. As for her nephew, he was exactly how Kinvara had described him, his long dark almost black hair hung loose and his dark grey eyes stared at her.

Dany was surprised to see there were tears there and even more surprised a moment later when she was embraced. She'd not even seen him move and now she was being held in strong arms and was holding him back. When he'd let her go she looked into his eyes, seeing there were indeed tears there but there was something else too. He looked happy, joyful even to see her.

The Dragon Cub - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now