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Lannisport 299 AC.

The Blackfish.

He had welcomed the boy as if he was his grandnephew though he was not, yet Brynden had not held that against him. Nor had he held Ned Stark's happiness about his son against him, that it had come with news of Cat's death though was a bitter pill to take. Even now weeks later as they sailed into the bay at Lannisport he wasn't fully over it or the argument he'd had with Ned Stark that had almost come to blows.

Brynden remembered the moment he'd been told she'd been executed as if he'd just heard the words a moment ago and not as if he'd had the time to absorb them. He'd argued, threatened and shouted, had almost committed treason, and had suggested he'd not follow orders from the man who'd kill his niece. Only for Ned Stark to show a resolve and anger, he'd always known the man had within him. That it was his king, his nephew he was threatening had not gone down well and Brynden now laughed a bitter laugh at his memories of dealing with the quiet wolf.

Winterfell one moon earlier.

He was asked to join Ned in the Godswood, Bran was spending time getting to know his new cousin, and Brynden was not sure which of the two revelations had taken him more aback. That Brandon Stark had married another woman when betrothed to his niece was one thing, that the union had given him a son was bitter to swallow. Cat had lost her mind over the fear of a bastard usurping her son when in truth they had usurped this boy. He'd been surprised that the boy, just like the boy she'd thought a bastard, had not wished for Winterfell. Though that he'd been named Lord of Sea Dragon Point did raise some doubts in him. Something he had assumed that Ned Stark now wished to speak to him about in the Godswood, only to find it was very much not that which was the reason for their meeting.

"I have some news Brynden, terrible news, perhaps you should sit." Ned said as he himself took a seat on a small rock.

"I'll stand, Ned, I find when I sit it takes me a long time to rise again." he said with a chuckle that Ned joined in with, though his was far less humorous than his own.

"Cat, Brynden, she lost her head." Ned said softly.

"Aye a long time ago more's the pity. I tried Ned, I just wasn't the man for the job." he said his regret clear in his voice.

"No Brynden, she's been executed." Ned said as Brynden's head almost spun towards him.

"What's this you say?" he said his voice rising.

"She was tried, Brynden, for her crimes, and not only did she admit them, but she also reveled in them, she gave them no choice."

"So your bastard nephew killed her?" he said moving towards him.

"My nephew is no bastard, he is your king and you'd do well to remember it." Ned said angrily while rising to his feet.

"He's no king of mine, I've not knelt to him, nor will I." Brynden said his temper rising.

"Careful Brynden, I'll not tolerate treasonous speak, even if it's your upset that is the cause of it." Ned said warningly.

"Upset, you think I'm upset, I'm fucking furious, you, you, what did you do? You were her husband, the father of her children, and you let this bastard king take her head."

The Dragon Cub - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now