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White Harbor 299 AC.


While she had enjoyed visiting Dorne and the weddings themselves there was something missing and now as they sailed into White Harbor she knew exactly what that was. Seeing the Western Wolf already docked Sansa felt her excitement begin to rise upon knowing that Willas was here. She quickly looked to the dock and couldn't see him, her eyes making out figures that she couldn't recognize, and for the briefest moment, she began to worry. Had he not come? Had something gone wrong? Did he not wish to see her as she did him? These thoughts though fleeting caused her to frown worriedly and it was picked up on by Margaery.

"Look Sansa, Jae, and Willas." Margaery said drawing her attention to the two men who moved from behind some others, Sansa's smile beaming when she saw both her brother and Willas were here.

How she resisted the urge to wave she knew not though she heard Margaery's laugh when Joy waved for all of them. Sansa looked to the docks to see Jae waving backing at Joy and the smile that appeared on Joy's face when he did so was a true and full one. Her eyes were soon drawn to Willas though and her own smile grew bigger when she saw he was looking at her too. Sansa found herself to be much looking forward to the upcoming night in White Harbor and the journey onward to Winterfell.

"Come we should make ready." Margaery said and Sansa, Joy, and Elinor followed the queen to her cabin. It would be some time before they docked and the weather in the North was something she'd not felt in some time, meaning it wasn't only Margaery who'd be changing her clothing.

She took one last look at the docks and then Margaery drew her attention to Martyn who now they'd moved away was waving at a green-haired girl who waving back at him. It took Sansa a moment to realize that it was Wylla he was doing so to. That comforted her somewhat, the knowledge that she was not the only one who was looking forward to reuniting with the person they cared for. She, Margaery, and Martyn all shared this in common and as she looked to Margaery she could see that it wasn't just joy that Jae was here that the queen was feeling. There had been some trepidation too she felt that Margaery was now letting go of. Some fear that Jae wouldn't be here when they arrived that had now been put to rest.

They were ready by the time the ship docked, the Kingsguard escorting Margaery down the gangplank to where Jae welcomed his queen as only he would. No protocol or propriety and instead they embraced and kissed each other deeply, Sansa looking from them to Willas and wishing they could do the same. She then grew impatient as she waited to greet Willas. Jae may not have cared for protocol but there was some to be followed and so Lord Wyman greeted the king and then Jae greeted Joy who just happened to have moved in front of her.

"It's good to see you, little sister, the journey went well?" Jae asked as he finally greeted her and Sansa told him it had before he smiled at her and moved her along far more quickly than he normally would, his little nod to Willas telling her that he was doing it for her benefit which she much appreciated.

As the others were greeted, Sansa found herself standing in front of Willas, the smile on his face as true as her own.

"Lady Sansa, it's so very good to see you again." Willas said formally though the smile never left his face and his eyes stared into hers as he spoke.

"You too Lord Willas, I trust your journey was uneventful?" she asked.

"It was my lady, though I'm most pleased now I'm here, most pleased." he said as he kissed her hand, Sansa feeling a little shudder run up her arm as he did so.

The Dragon Cub - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now