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King's Landing 298 AC.


Seeing her family back on the throne was a strange experience for her, or would have been if her nephew actually sat the throne, though she'd not begrudge him waiting. She knew his reasons and was also having her own issues settling back into life at King's Landing. That she saw ghosts everywhere she walked not helping her shake off the sadness that she felt at those she had left behind so many years earlier.

Watching her nephew spar was like seeing Daemon or Aegor, Daeron, or even Brynden himself, especially when Jaehaerys wielded Dark Sister. On one or two occasions she'd even seen him wield Blackfyre and that too brought up feelings she'd care not to have. When he had told her what he wished to do with the mummer, a part of her had thought of Brynden and the Weeping Ridge. Another Blackfyre falling to House Targaryen and only that this one deserved it far more than Daemon did, she may have raised an objection.

That he wished it to be them all who'd see it done was something she welcomed though, they were a family, the last remaining scions of House Targaryen and they needed to end him together. Her nephew radiated a power she'd not seen before, not in her, Brynden, or even in the warlocks and sorcerers of Asshai. That his heart was as good as it was made her grateful it was he who wielded it. Shiera knowing all too well what could happen with power if one's heart wasn't pure.

Had she needed any evidence that he was the right person to be so gifted then his happiness at seeing her and Dany, how he was with Tyrion and what he'd done with Dragonstone would have been enough. Yet it was what he'd just done with Aemon Targaryen that she was thinking on as they flew to King's Landing. There were five Dragonriders in the sky for the first time since the dance and her family was reunited and stronger in magic than they had ever been. When he had come to her and told her what he believed, shown her the pendant and the books she knew it would work and so she backed him completely, even when Dany and Tyrion did not.

"I tell you all this will work, the blood of the dragon." Jae said.

"You're trying to say that Aemon can be made young again, Jae, that's just madness." Dany said.

"Is it, then explain our aunt, Dany? It's magic not madness and we live now in a world that's full of it."

"But this, surely not?" Tyrion said.

"Aunt?" Jae said looking to her.

"Our nephew is right, there are few limits to what magic can do, I'm proof of that. The dragons themselves are the very epitome of it. I've read the books, though the pendant Jae has is much different than others I've seen, it will work I believe."

"And what, be a glamour? Allow our uncle to look younger while he is anything but? "Dany said, Shiera noticing that her niece seemed more worried about her aged uncle than doubtful this would work.

"It's not a glamour Dany, as long as he wears this he'll not be ravaged by time. It'll be as if he's young again." Jae said.

"Immortality, your speaking of immortality?" Tyrion said incredulously.

"No, that's not quite what it does." she said softly.

She had seen the stunned looks on all the faces other than hers and Jaehaerys's when it had worked. Even Aemon being taken aback by the image he now presented. To tell the truth so was she, though for much different reasons. Aemon looked so much like him, other than his eyes and lack of a birthmark then she'd have said she was looking at Brynden reborn. As they circled the Dragonpit she resolved to get to know Aemon once more, the last thing the realm needed was another Bloodraven she thought to herself bitterly.

The Dragon Cub - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now