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The Kingsroad 298 AC.


He'd arrived back to find the battle done. The Vale knights and lords had surrendered and Jon Arryn was now their prisoner, it left him feeling incredibly proud. They had done what they'd been asked to do and done so without a huge loss of life. Their own side had suffered few casualties, less than 500 men injured and less than a hundred dead. The Vale's losses were much larger, almost 2,000 dead, less than half that to dragon fire and another 2,000 or so injured.

All in all, they'd accepted the surrender of almost 14,000 men, knights, lords, and plain soldiers all needing to be marshaled. That alone would provide a problem and was one he knew would require a lot of thought. So to say he was relieved when Gerion arrived would be an understatement. To see his uncle safe and well, removed that little bit of doubt and worry that had been growing in the pit of his stomach.

"Nephew." Gerion said as he rode towards him, Tyrion standing with Lygaron and stroking the dragon's neck.

"It's good to see you safe and well, uncle." he said with a smile.

"Aye, you too Tyrion, it's done?" Gerion asked and he nodded.

"We won, aye. Jon Arryn is our prisoner among many others, apparently, the honorable falcon tried to kill Ned Stark after surrendering." Tyrion said and saw Gerion scowl.

"That man's claims of honor were always lies" Gerion said and Tyrion nodded looking to Cregan and Dusk who were watching on.

"Tully was nowhere to be seen, uncle, I'm sorry."

"Tully is dead. His men have surrendered, the Vale and Riverlands army are beaten, as are the Stormlords. The rest is up to our king now." Gerion said.

"Dead? How?"

"The floppy fish couldn't swim, Tyrion." was all Gerion said and Tyrion thought he'd best leave it at that for now "Any word from Jon?"

"No, not yet, I'd not worry though, had something happened or where I needed then Lygaron would let me know. Come, I'm sure you could eat and the Northern lords will be happy to hear your news." he said turning to Lygaron and watching as the dragon took to the air, no doubt off to find some food of his own.

He spoke briefly to Cregan when they walked, the young man had seen little action which Tyrion felt thankful for. Let him keep his innocence a little longer he thought, behind them Ser Richard and Ser Jors walked and when they got near the camp itself, Satin came running over. His squire very happy to see one of his friends was unharmed and Tyrion allowed him and Cregan to go off and speak together. As they entered the large tent, he saw Gerion look to the bird in the cage behind Ned Stark, a guilty look on his face.

"Uncle?" he asked softly.

"Jaehaerys asked me to bring the damn bird with me, I was so keen to go after Tully I didn't." Gerion said Tyrion once again noticing the different way he'd said his nephew's name.

It took some getting used to, when it was just them most of them thought of him still as Jon. In public, they called him your grace, and when he wished it Jae or Jaehaerys and he knew his nephew had as much trouble with it as the rest of them did. He was about to say something when the Greatjon looked up to see him and Gerion, the man's booming voice soon announcing their arrival.

The Dragon Cub - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now