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King's Landing 298 AC.


She hadn't been able to stop smiling since she'd spoken with her father, even now as she dressed and readied for the closing feast she still wore that very same smile. He'd asked for her hand, that was the only thought that was clear in her mind, he'd asked for her hand. That her father had actually accepted was almost lost in the knowledge that Willas and his mother had gone to her father to arrange a betrothal, almost she thought as she let out a small laugh.

Her father had explained to her that it would be some time before they could be wed. That she'd need to reach her majority and that should she wish to pull out of the arrangement at any time then she was free to do so. Sansa shaking her head through each and every word he said as she had or would have no intention to pull out of this arrangement. Willas was who she wished to marry, she'd known that for quite some time and had hoped that it would be something that he wished for too. To find out it was and that he'd actually gone to her father to see it so, no, the last thing she'd be doing would be to say no to this.

After she finally finished making herself ready, her maid helped her into her dress and began to fix her hair. Sansa wanted to look at her very best tonight. She felt nervous too though and had thought of going to Willas's rooms to speak to him before the feast, only to decide it would be for the best if she waited until the feast itself to speak to him. As much as she wished to hear his voice and to talk to him about their future, another thought which quickly had her smiling once more, she felt it would be for the best if she wasn't seen rushing around to speak to him.

"My lady." the maid said when she finished and Sansa nodded when she looked into the looking glass, her hair having left down for the night rather than done up in an elaborate style and to Sansa's eyes, it looked far better this way.

"Thank you, Lara." she said as the girl left her alone and Sansa looked herself over one final time.

She was still staring at herself in the looking glass when she heard the knock on the door. She was not doing so out of vanity or anything such but simply that she was thinking about what she'd say once she did meet up with Willas later. Getting up from her chair Sansa walked to the door and opened it and found that she couldn't speak, the words getting stuck in her mouth as she saw Willas standing right there in front of her.

"Lady Sansa, it would be my honor to accompany you to the feast." Willas said and Sansa nodded, still unable to speak as she looked at him.

She took his arm when offered and walked with him down the corridor, soon joining up with Robb and the Manderly's and her father and Elle. Her father looked at her concernedly and she realized that not only had she not spoken since Willas knocked at her door, but she may also be wearing a more disturbed expression than she should. So she smiled as reassuringly as she could and turned to look at Willas offering him a far warmer smile. Something that she was happy to see him return.

A nod from her father soon had them walking into the Throne Room, Sansa quickly looking around to see where she and the others would be sitting. Arya she saw was placed with the Mormont's and Willas's family were sitting with some of the Reach lords. It appeared to her that it was to be her father, herself, Robb, Willas, and the Manderly's sitting together, and she soon found out she was right. Wynafred and Robb seated to her left and Willas to her right while her father and Elle were placed across from them both. They had no sooner taken their seats when they had to rise as the king and queen were announced. Sansa catching her brother looking at her and giving her a nod.

The Dragon Cub - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now