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The Trident 2 BC.

Torrhen Stark.

He had marched and marched hard, bringing with him the largest army the North had ever assembled. More than 30,000 men had crossed through the Neck and it had all been for nothing. As he sat in his tent and pondered his next move he sighed when his brother came in. Torrhen already knew what Brandon would say before he did so. Still, he sat and he listened and though he sighed and made his displeasure clear, his brother still spoke fervently about his plans and how they would work.

"Our bows are strong brother, we can take them down and without them they are nothing." Brandon said almost laughing as he did so.

"And what of their men?" he asked looking to his brother.

"They're no match for our own and some will abandon the dragons once their beasts have been slain." Brandon said.

"And if they should not? If they hold and stand firm then we face an arm larger than our own, one with far more horse and far better armoured." he said trying to get it through to his brother it wasn't just the dragons that he feared, though fear them he did.

"Southern men, not Northmen, not men like our own. We can beat them, brother, without their beasts we can beat them." Brandon said willing him to accept his words.

"What if you fail, brother? What if one dragon escapes or all are not there? You heard what Balerion did to Harrenhal and what they did to the Lannisters and the Gardeners on the Field of Fire? Am I to risk the lives of our men on a plan that may not work?" he asked almost angrily.

"What's the alternative, brother, kneel and beg for scraps from the dragon's table? Is it a wolf you are or is there mouse blood in your veins?" Brandon said and Torrhen's fist caught his brother's cheek hard as he knocked him to the ground.

"You doubt me a wolf?" he asked with a snarl.

His brother looked at him and spit the blood out of his mouth before rising to his feet, a small smile on his face as he did so.

"I just wanted to make sure that the wolf was still inside you. Tell me what you wish of me?" Brandon asked.

"Go and speak to Aegon Targaryen, seek him out, and see what he offers. I'll not spill more northern blood than I need to." he said and Brandon nodded before turning to leave "Take your guards with you, have them dress up in the Maester's Robes." he said to a chuckle from Brandon as he left.

It took him some time to return and the note he brought back with him was not the one he'd expected. Torrhen looking at it and then handing it to Brandon who seemed just as surprised as he was.

"This can't be true?" Brandon said after reading it.

"No, but it's a strange lie to make up though is it not? What thought you of the man himself?" he asked curiously.

"A warrior who is both fierce and focussed. This is not a man who offers terms lightly and yet he seemed…."

"Brandon?" he asked looking to his brother who had drifted off in his thoughts somewhat "Brandon?" he said a little more loudly.

"What? Sorry. He seemed to almost be expecting me, I mean he said something I thought was odd at the time, though now I'm not so sure." Brandon said and Torrhen looked at him.

"What did he say?" he asked eager to learn as much about the dragon as he could before deciding his next move.

"That my Maesters would be more at home with a sword in their hands than a book." Brandon said and Torrhen smirked, Aegon had either seen through his ruse or had simply been sure it was to come, either of which gave him pause and concern.

The Dragon Cub - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now