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King's Landing 299 AC.


Her brother had grown so much since she'd seen him last Sansa thought as she saw him. Bran had filled out and gotten taller and though he was a boy still, you could begin to see the man he would become one day. As for her granduncle, he was tall and imposing and looked every inch the warrior he was. After Jae and Margaery had given her the day to spend with them, she'd hurried to find them both. Sansa had looked through the Red Keep and after she could not find them anywhere, she had then warged into Fang. The wolf quickly leading her to them both and Sansa could feel Fang's excitement about her own brother very clearly.

"Bran, Granduncle." she said moving to greet them.

"Sansa?" gods it is you." Bran said and she smiled when just as he was about to rush to her, her granduncle gave him a nod and Bran remembered his manners "My lady, I am truly honored to see you again" Bran said stiffly and Sansa looked to see the smirk on her granduncle's face.

"Brandon Stark, come over here and greet me properly." she said and she heard her granduncle's chuckle when Bran realized that he'd just had a jape at his expense.

The next thing she knew she was being held in her brother's arms, both she and Bran saying how much they had missed each other. Her granduncle greeted her just as warmly, though Sansa noticed that he spent a long time just looking at her and it took her a moment to realize that he was recognizing her mother in her appearance.

"How long are you both staying for?" she asked eagerly.

"I'm to swear to the king and then we're to head to Riverrun." Bran said as Sansa looked at her granduncle.

"Have you been given rooms?" she asked.

"We were going to find a tavern." her granduncle said and Sansa shook her head.

"Nonsense, you're family, come." she said moving though neither of them followed "Come." she said more determinedly.

She had them brought to the Maidenvault, Jae and Margaery may not have assigned them rooms there yet but she knew they would and so she took it upon herself to do so. Her granduncle was a little resistant but eventually, he gave in and once she had their things brought to the rooms, Sansa then sent out for some refreshments. Juice for her and Bran and an iced ale for her granduncle along with some bread, cheese, and some cold meats.

They sat eating the food or more precisely her granduncle who had told her to call him Uncle Brynden and Bran did while Sansa instead drank her juice. Sansa telling them all about the Red Keep and where to go in the city while they were here. Bran she found was eager to go to a smith and she suggested that Jae would no doubt wish to bring him himself, something that caused a frown to appear on her uncle's face. When Bran asked if it would be allowed for him to keep Summer in his rooms Sansa laughed.

"Ghost, Fang, and even Frost usually share either mine, Jae, or Joy's rooms." she said and saw Bran look confused.

"Joy?" her brother asked.

"Lady Joy Lannister, Jae's foster sister." Sansa said though she knew the words didn't do the nature of her brother and Joy's relationship justice. Joy was his sister just as truly as she or Arya were but it was not something that Bran would easily understand she felt.

The Dragon Cub - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now