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Kings Landing 298 AC.


She was nervous when she saw the walls in front of her, far more than the excitement she had expected to feel it was this which caused her to breathe deeply. It had been her idea to ride rather than sit in the wheelhouse and she was beginning to regret that choice the closer they got to the gates. Loras and Barristan were at either side, their white cloaks fluttering in the wind, and closest of all to her walked Ghost.

Just seeing him as he looked up into her eyes calmed her down, almost emboldening her and she sat straighter and held her head a little higher as they entered the gates themselves. Jae had sent an escort and when she'd seen the riders bearing the Three-Headed Dragon she had for a moment thought he'd have been with them. Quickly realizing that despite his own feelings, he could not or would not be allowed to leave the keep. Protocol demanded he be waiting there to greet her and her family and while she knew her husband cared little about such things, she also knew he'd for this stick to it.

Entering through the King's Gate they were soon on River Row and the crowds had already lined up to welcome them into the city. There had been some debate between her father and her grandmother about whether to enter by the Gate of the Gods or the King's Gate, Margaery herself deciding the shortest route was the one to take. It had to her mind being a practical decision and now as they rode it a thought struck her, did Jae know? Or were there crowds at other gates ready to welcome them in also? This and all other thoughts were soon the last she had on that subject as the crowd began to cheer and welcome her and her family.

"Hail to House Tyrell."

"May the seven bless Good Queen Margaery."

"The Golden Rose.

"The Hidden Dragon."

"Hail to the queen."

Each cheer, each roar of approval was met by a wave and a smile. She saw women look to her and whisper to those nearest to them as they smiled beamingly at her. At least she thought they whispered as single voices became very hard to pick out, such was the noise of the crowd. When she heard people cheer for the white wolf she swore she saw Ghost puff out his chest, though he'd have some way to go to match her father in that regard. Never had she seen him prouder than he was right now and she did not begrudge him that nor the little waves he gave the crowd. Though she had to bite her cheek to stop from laughing as she imagined her grandmother's face.

She felt it again, that little nervous hitch when she saw the Red Keep itself, knowing that he was inside those gates waiting for her. Once a long time ago she had came here to try and enrapture a prince and had thankfully failed. By that time her heart was no longer hers to give away anyway, even if she was too young to know it. Now she came here to be a queen, a wife, and it was actually the second of those things she was the most excited about. When they reached the courtyard she saw them, Jaime Lannister, Prince Oberyn, and finally Jae looking every inch a king. His black and red marking him for the dragon he was and yet he wore no crown. The smile on his face she knew was matched by her own and when she saw him break from the line to help her down she almost giggled. There was only so much protocol they'd get him to follow after all.

"My queen." he said as he reached up to help her down, Margaery feeling that hitch once more.

"My king." she said softly.

The Dragon Cub - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now