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King's Landing 299 AC.


When she'd been told she had wanted to shout out for joy and tell the entire realm. She'd hugged her granddaughter and promised that she'd not speak a word of it until she gave her leave to do so. Margaery had explained her reasons for keeping it from Jae and though Olenna didn't agree with them, she accepted Margaery's wishes and then waited. Thankfully she did not have to wait too long and when she heard that Mace and Alerie were on the way she knew what her granddaughter had planned.

The simple fact that she'd not had to tell her to announce it in such a way was even more proof that all her lessons had paid off. It was what she had wished for more than anything. True she wanted her own influence to remain but she also had hoped that Margaery would grow into the woman she had become. One day she'd not be around to offer advice and her greatest fear had always been that on that day her family would fall. It was why she'd aimed so high for them and why she had been so relieved that both Willas and Margaery possessed such keen minds.

Now not only would this generation of her line be secure but the next was on its way also. A prince or princess, hopefully, the former as then their line would then be even more secure. Though Olenna in truth hoped for many more great-grandchildren and given how Margaery and Jae behaved around each other, she had no doubt she'd see that hope fulfilled. She also felt relieved somewhat, she'd not agreed with their reasons for holding back on producing an heir but again she'd not pushed her granddaughter and had allowed her to make her own choices in this. The gods it seemed were on her side and she was more than grateful for their help.

"Why are mother and father coming, grandmother?" Willas asked as he walked into her room, Olenna was sitting at her desk and not working as her mind was elsewhere.

"Your sister sent for them, perhaps you should ask her?" she said and resisted the urge to smile at the annoyed look on her grandson's face.

"I'm asking you" Willas said, his tone one that had her raising her eyebrow and she saw him look away from the stern stare she gave him.

"They'll be here in a day or two, Willas. I'm sure her grace will let you know then." she said ending the conversation, Olenna smiling to herself when Willas left the room in frustration.

She knew that Sansa would be his next port of call, Willas certain to ask his betrothed what was going on and Olenna wondered if she knew. Jae was so very close to his sister and he could have possibly told her but she doubted that he had done so yet. It would be Jaime Lannister and the Targaryens that he'd first share that news with and as the day went on she found she was right. A dinner was being held that night in the Royal Dining room, her family, the Lannisters, the Martells who'd only just arrived back from Dorne, and the Targaryen's all invited.

Olenna very much looked forward to the news being shared and to see the reaction of those closest to Margaery and Jae. She had no doubt they'd take it as well as she had but she was keen to see those reactions for herself. So keen was she in fact that she felt the day to be never-ending and that she couldn't concentrate on her work only made it even more so. Even the small little nap she tried to have to make the day pass by more quickly turned out to be something she was unable to manage.

When the time came to make her way to the Royal Chambers she almost ran in her eagerness to get there. Both her guards looking at her as if she had lost her wits as she hurried through the corridors ahead of them. She reached the rooms to see it was Ser Barristan and Ser Arthur that were both on duty tonight and she nodded to the knights before been bid to enter. She was not surprised to be the first to arrive, nor to arrive and find her granddaughter and goodgrandson both so wrapped up in each other that they barely noticed her.

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