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King's Landing 299 AC.

Jaehaerys Targaryen.

Seeing it as it came into view was a welcome sight and he knew he wasn't the only one to think so. Arthur, Loras, and Oberyn all wished to be back just as much as he, and some of that was down to their worry for him. He'd tried to reassure them that he was feeling better, though he wasn't truly, but they knew him too well for such a mummery to work. As they flew over the Red Keep he was surprised to see Rhaegal, Sandorix, and Ellagon take to the sky, though he really shouldn't have been. They were eager to make sure Rhaenix was truly unhurt, he knew that now and though he'd let Lygaron know she was well, he was actually surprised the Bronze Dragon hadn't flown here too.

After circling the Red Keep so they knew he had returned, he flew to the Dragonpit, and as they landed so did the other dragons. Jae almost fell off Rhaenix's back, his tiredness was really starting to affect him now that his mind was calmer than it had been. He hoped that he didn't fall prey to his exhaustion before he spoke to Margaery and let her know that he was simply tired and not that it was something more. As they waited for the horses to come, he began to think of what he needed to say and who he needed to say it to. There was the other Kingsguard of course, though Arthur and Loras could explain to them the details of what happened to their brother. Brienne would take it hard he knew and there were the twins that guarded Olenna, Erryk, and Arryk, who'd found out they were kin with Walder and who he'd seen spend time with him.

Sansa, his uncle Ned, those at Winterfell, and the realm at large, all needed to know that Walder had fallen and that without his sacrifice, it would have been the king and not the Kingsguard who had died. He felt his chest tighten, his eyes begin to water and when he saw the carriage and Ser Barristan and Ser Jors leading the way, he turned from them and wiped his eyes. Composing himself, he found he couldn't look at his Lord Commander and instead he turned to Arthur who gave him a nod. Jae instead moving to the carriage and not even allowing Margaery to leave it before he reached it and climbed inside.

"Jae?" she asked worriedly.

"Marge..I.." and the tears he'd tried to fight back, now began to fall.

She held him all the way back to the Red Keep and it was only when he reached it that he realized that he'd not even spoken to his sister before he left her in the Dragonpit. They'd spoken much the night before, but he felt he'd let her down a little and so he closed his eyes and reached out to her, glad when she told him that he had not. She and the other dragons were resting, soon they'd fly to Dragonstone but they were waiting for Dany to join them and he felt their need to be back on the island. It fuelled his own, driving his tiredness and some of his sadness from him.

"Is Dany here?" he asked, the first real words he'd spoken other than to tell her that he was well and that Walder had fallen.

"She is, we were all so worried, Jae, the dragons, Ghost, and Fang, they acted most strangely, though Ghost reassured me that you were unhurt." she said and he welcomed that his wolf had been there for her, that he had assuaged her own worries and fears when he himself could not.

"I need to speak to, Dany, to let her know I'm well and that she can go back to Dragonstone, the dragons wish to rest, all of them and Rhaenix needs to be on the island." he said and Margaery looked at him curiously.

"Why, Jae, why does she need to be there?" Margaery asked.

"She was hurt, Marge, she needs to rest and be at peace. I'll explain it all as soon as I speak to Dany, I promise." he said and she nodded, kissing his lips softly before he finally got out of the carriage.

Jaime, Ser Richard, Sansa, Joy, Dany, were all waiting for them and he looked to see that Aemon, Shiera, and Olenna were there too. It was too much, too many, Jae looking around and panicking almost when he saw Brienne and the two giant guards.

The Dragon Cub - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now