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Castle Black 301 AC.


If he had lived a different life then what he was looking at would have too unbelievable for him to understand. It was only because he had met Jae all those years earlier and seen all that he could do or else he'd have thought he was looking at something that was impossible. Watching a wall of ice appear where moments before there was nothing at all, his weren't the only eyes that weren't sure that what they were seeing was true.

Jaime had met Jae though and he had seen all he could do. Over the years he'd seen dragons been born and saw his king wield a sword of light. He'd looked at the past and present through a Glass Candle and saw a boy control animals as if they were on strings. Things that he'd not witnessed personally had been relayed to him by people he trusted implicitly. He'd heard the tales of stone being sung and a bridge appearing out of nowhere and so looking on as a wall of ice did the same, Jaime kept his head while those around him lost their own.

"To Arms, To Arms." he shouted "Make ready."

The sound of his voice and the authority he carried seemed to work as men turned their eyes from the wall in front of them and drew their weapons for the attack soon to come. Jaime looked down the line and saw Oberyn, Ned and Benjen Stark, Mance Rayder, and Tormund Giantsbane all doing the same as him. He moved from his place in line as the wall began to fall against the one they stood on. Then he ordered the others around him to back away and so as one wall of ice crashed against the other, Jaime hoped he could be heard and seen as he shouted down to the men in the courtyard of Castle Black below.

"Make Ready, Make Ready." he shouted as he grabbed the flaming torch from the wall and waved it in the air so they could see him should they not be able to hear.

He expected the sound of the crashing wall would have been enough to make them hurry to arms. That his words wouldn't be needed and the men below would have begun to move as soon as they heard it. Yet he had to be certain, time spent standing idle would be time they didn't have if he and the men on the Wall faltered here. Turning back to take his position amongst his men, what he saw made him worry that could be a real possibility. It had not been something he'd truly given thought to, Jaime instead offering the reassurances that he felt Jae had needed when his king had planned for such an outcome.

"We will hold them, Jae, we'll face them and fight them back, and then we'll go home to those we love."

Looking to the lands Beyond the Wall and to the army that now scrambled up what to Jaime looked like stairs cut into the ice itself, now he was not so certain. He shook the doubts from his mind and looked to the sky. Jae and Rhaenix were out there somewhere and would soon come to attack these things from behind. Hold them here, they would hold them here for as long as they could and his king and his dragon would do the rest.

"Hold your fire until you're certain you can't miss."

"Ready the fire balls."

"Hold steady."

"They're just dead fucks, look there's no fucking meat on their bones, even the cannibals wouldn't get a decent meal off any of them, Har."

Jaime heard the voices, the last of them was Tormund Giantsbane's and he admired the way the man could laugh at a time like this. His own men looked to him as he unsheathed Blackfyre and took a step nearer the edge. The army of dead men below them climbed up ice stairs and moved along platforms made of ice. As he looked at the structure he felt that they themselves could have done with that type of thinking when whoever made the Wall had done so. It was a brief thought only, had their side of the Wall been as easy to climb up as this one was then it'd be just as easy to climb back down. The very last thing they should wish to do was make it easy for the dead that came their way. Jaime looked to the ropes that hung down their side of the Wall. Ropes that should the worst come to the worst then they'd have to climb down to reach some safety.

The Dragon Cub - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now