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The Rose Road 298 AC.


The last few days had been hectic and he had found himself as busy as anyone, both with his duties as his sister's Kingsguard and with his preparations for the journey ahead. Ser Barristan and he had sparred every chance they got and he'd even managed to beat Garlan more than once, evidence of his improvement clear now for everyone to see. That his brother took it in good spirits also showed how much both of them had grown, as there had been a time when Garlan would have sulked and Loras crowed.

At first, he'd felt annoyed to be left here while Jae flew off with Walder and Arthur. The idea that he was once again going to both miss the battle to come and not be by his king's side, something that he had trouble coming to terms with. He had missed the Battle at the God's Eye, though seeing the aftermath of it he wondered how much use he would have been there anyway. Then when they'd left to come to Highgarden and found the battle had begun he'd felt a tremor of excitement, though he had to admit he was happy when Jae used Rhaenix to basically end it. The fight had been far too close to his home for his liking and his worries for his family were too much to concentrate on the battle itself.

Later talking to Garlan and finding out what had happened in his home, what had almost happened to his family, Loras felt somewhat different. Garlan had confided that he had thought the end near, his brother telling him about the cavalry charge that Rhaenix's flames had stopped. Hearing the worry in his brother's voice and the idea that he'd accepted he was to die was hard for him. Loras had reached out to place his hand on Garlan's shoulder only to find himself grabbed in a hug, something he had never done so emotionally with his older brother before.

Even after hearing of the attack on his family and even though he wanted nothing more than to protect them and see them safe, when Jae asked him to walk with him Loras had felt upset about being left behind. He wished to see action, to stand by Jae's side and raise his sword to keep him safe, to see this war won as quickly as possible, and yes, to see Satin again. More than that though he was beginning to feel that compared to his brothers, his Kingsguard brothers, he was lesser in Jae's eyes. Something his goodbrother soon removed any doubts he had that he was.

"Arthur, Walder, and I will be heading to deal with Dorne. I wish you and Ser Barristan to stay here, act as both Margaery's Kingsguard, and to keep my heart in its chest where it belongs." Jae said as they walked in the gardens, the moon high in the sky casting it's light down upon them.

"Your grace, I could…" he interrupted

"Loras, it has to be you, gods if I could get him to stay I'd leave Arthur here, but the similarity to my father would never allow him to agree. He'd not be able to and I'd not force it upon him. Though for me this is that important. I'm asking you to do it because there is no one I'd trust Margaery's safety to more, no one who'd put my mind at ease better than you. You're my brother Loras, by choice, and now by marriage, if I can't rely on you who can I rely on?"


"Jae, Loras, I know it's difficult after everything we've been through, but I find myself hating the name I was given by my uncle. To share it with that man." Jae said shaking his head, his face scrunched up "My mother and father named me and that's the name I'd wish to be called."

"Jae." Loras said and saw him smile "I'll protect her with my life, my king."

"I know you will, just, both of you, Ser Barristan will be staying also, don't take any chances Loras, remember Ghost, Fang, if they show any worries or concerns heed them. Marge knows this and Sansa does also, so if they even growl at someone then you keep them away from your family, away from my wife."

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