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King's Landing 298 AC.

Jaehaerys Targaryen.

He spent most of the night sitting on a chair by the bed, almost as if he was forcing himself not to actually get into it. Part of that he knew was that he didn't or couldn't actually believe she'd sent him from their room. Jae had thought it while not a jape, as her anger was true, it was to be a temporary thing, a lesson he was to be taught that would quickly be learned and they could then kiss and make up. So at first, he had refused to get into his bed as he waited for Margaery to come to her senses. Then as it got darker outside and it began to look as if she wasn't going to, he had refused out of principle.

Now hours later, he was tired and still hadn't given in, only the closing of his eyes and the fact that it had been more than a week since he'd slept in a bed forcing him to do so. He undressed so angrily that he actually ripped his shirt, he then climbed into the bed and was immediately faced with just how large and empty it truly was. Be it because of this or that he was still fuming about the fact he'd been sent here, sleep was fitful, and less than a couple of hours later he was up and about. He walked to the window and looked out, the night sky was clear and the moon shone down and he knew that he really needed to get out of this room. Moving back to pick up his clothes, he saw the torn shirt and sighed. Jae wondering how he could get back into his room to dress, before he remembered that his clothes weren't there.

When he saw them all neatly put away he felt his anger rise once more. Hearing that they'd been moved and seeing them were two different things and as he dressed he was grinding his teeth and shaking his head. Once done he walked from the bed chamber and headed to the door, finding Loras and Ser Richard Horpe to be on guard and wondering where Arthur had gone. His eyes were immediately drawn down the corridor towards his room and such was his anger that he almost turned and walked to it. Only that he was afraid of what he may say to his wife stopping him from doing so. Instead, he turned and walked the other way, walking through the Red Keep and out the doors and onto the balcony that overlooked the sparring yard. Jae stopping and leaning against the wall to calm himself before he walked down the stairs and moved over to one of the straw dummies when he could not.

"How long has he been here?" he heard a voice ask from behind him, Jae had already moved to another dummy after he and Dark Sister had almost completely destroyed the first one.

"Since just before dawn." Loras replied and Jae found he had no desire to see who he was speaking to.

Instead, he just went through the motions, all sense of skill or technique was forgotten as the sword was basically used as a club and the straw flew in all directions. Were it not for Tommen and Martyn arriving then Jae was sure he'd have moved on to a third dummy. The sound of the two boys as they walked over to the tourney swords finally forcing him to turn away and lower his sword. Jae looked at the two boys who he could see had heard or seen he was in the sparring yard for the first time in more than a moon and had come down hoping for a lesson.

"Which of you is first?" he asked smiling at them, happy when they both relaxed and Tommen moved forward.

"Me, your grace." Tommen said and Jae motioned for him to grab him the thin tourney sword, Martyn handing it to him and Jae tried not to laugh when Tommen practically ran over to give him it.

He spent more than two hours with the boys, going over stances, sparring, pitting them against each other, and telling Martyn to teach rather than beat the younger boy. After that, he sparred with Ser Richard Horpe, Loras and as he was doing so the sparring yard grew ever more crowded. More and more people either coming down for their own morning spars or they had heard the king was out here and so had come to see him fight. Jae was glad to see Oberyn and his girls arrive a little while later. His uncle smiling at him as did his cousins and soon enough he was facing off against Obara while Oberyn awaited his turn.

The Dragon Cub - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now