570 12 5

King's Landing 300 AC.


Around him, the preparations were being made and his nephew was trying to fit in as much time with those he cared about as was possible. So when he was asked by Jae to take Oberyn to Dorne, he found he welcomed it. Along the way, it was as if the gods had not only decided his route but the timing of his journey also. Aemon chuckling when he saw Lygaron in the distance flying north as he flew south. With a nod to Oberyn to show him why he was landing, he told Sandorix to land near a stream below them and Lygaron soon followed suit.

It turned out that his wasn't the only nephew on Lygaron's back as along with the man who had been his nephew's sworn shield, Bronn, Oberyn's nephew Trystane was present as well for some reason. Despite there still being daylight available to them, they decided to make camp for the night, and Oberyn and Bronn even caught some fresh fish in the nearby stream for them to have as their meal. The two dragons went hunting and as they sat down for the night he saw Oberyn speaking to Trystane for a long time while Tyrion made his way to sit beside him.

"It's really happening?" his nephew asked him as they sat together.

"It is, Oberyn is to bring the Dornish forces, Prince Garin's men, the Faceless Men, and the Fiery Hand all are making or have made their way already to the Wall. Jae has called for those he wishes to bring to arms and now is just saying goodbyes and readying himself to lead. I know he wishes us to go to Dragonstone at some point as there are things he needs to show and to tell us." Aemon said.

"Things?" Tyrion asked curiously.

"About the nature of what we're to fight and how we're to do so. The dragons won't cross the Wall, Tyrion. Shiera told me that Rhaegal refused to do so when Rhaenix did. I believe it's because of the differences of their hatching." Aemon said.

"So Lygaron…" Tyrion said and Aemon shook his head as he interrupted him.

"Did Jae ever speak to you about his first visit to the Wall, the one he took with your brother and Loras?" Aemon asked.

"No, Jaime told me that there were things he needed to speak to you on but other than that no." Tyrion said.

"Aye, there were some things and the visit was not just about the truth of himself and giving an old man hope that he'd lost, though that was part of it too." he said a warm smile on his face as he thought back to that first meeting and how he'd felt when he learned he was not alone "Jae was having some difficulty with his dragon's egg, Rhaenix and he were already bonded you see but Rhaenix is far more than a normal dragon."

"I would say so." Tyrion said and Aemon chuckled.

"Not just in looks, size, or what she actually represents and is. In terms of how she was brought into the world too. The egg called out for more than fire and blood, Tyrion. It sought ice too, ice from deep beneath the Wall itself and so Jae took some of that ice and together we melted it. The egg absorbed and took from it what it needed." Aemon said.

"Water?" Tyrion asked.

"Magic." Aemon replied.

It had come to him when Shiera had spoken of Rhaegal's reluctance. He'd then suggested to Sandorix that they fly over the Wall and his dragon had made it clear that it would not be something he was doing. Aemon had then made himself remember all he could about Jae and Rhaenix and to look through the books. Even though he didn't find anything in any of the books to prove him right, he knew he was. Rhaenix was tied to the Wall in some way, the magic within it was within her and so she could pass it where others could not. It had made him consider them doing the same when they arrived there. Just taking some of the ice and trying to replicate what he and Jae had done with Rhaenix's egg, but he knew it wouldn't work. It was to be Rhaenix and only Rhaenix, Jae, and only Jae and the reason for that was not for him to know.

The Dragon Cub - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now