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(For those who don't like such things there is some lemon in this chapter, the first Margaery Pov covers the wedding night and not much else, so feel free to skip it if it's not your thing)

King's Landing 298 AC.

The Wedding Feast.


He had been worried she'd not make it, that the ship would not reach King's Landing on time and that he'd be forced to sit through the wedding and the feast alone. Tyrion had even cursed his nephew for not letting him take Lygaron and fly to collect her, little knowing that Jae had already sent one of the Pinnacle ships to bring Arianne to the wedding. So the day before the wedding itself, he stood watching as the Lion's Claw pulled into the docks and Tyrion felt his excitement rise.

That it was him and not someone else who'd been sent to greet her, could in some ways be considered a slight, Tyrion not having a position on the Small Council and Arianne being both a Princess and the ruler of one of their kingdoms. Yet he knew she'd not see it that way and he was grateful that his nephew hadn't asked anyone else to be the one to welcome her to the capital. When he had seen her walking down the gangplank, the smile she wore was matched easily by his own, and try as he might he'd not greeted her perfectly as protocol had demanded. Both he and Jae having more in common in that respect than either had known, he thought with a smirk.

Unfortunately, he didn't get to spend the night with her. Arianne instead spending time with her family and bidding her brother farewell, and though he wished to go to her to offer her whatever comfort he could, Oberyn suggested he leave it to the morrow. During the wedding ceremony itself, as much as he tried to look to Jae and Margaery, his eyes were drawn to her more than once. Tyrion happy to see Arianne looking his way just as often as he did hers.

It wasn't until the feast was being readied that he finally got the time to be alone with her. Well as alone as anyone could be with a Kingsguard, her guards, the Royal Guard, and the room they'd soon be entering being full with the great and good of the realm. Still, he stood excitedly at her door, knocking and smiling when Jeyne Fowler opened it let him in. Tyrion seeing the smile the woman shot him and the playfulness in her voice when she turned back to Arianne.

"Princess, Prince Tyrion has arrived." Jeyne called back.

"Let him in Jeyne and perhaps you should hurry to ready yourself." Arianne said and Tyrion felt himself breathe deeply at the sound of her voice.

"My prince." Jeyne said with a curtsy as she left the room.

He stood there alone, waiting for Arianne to come out from her bed-chamber and when she did she took his breath away. Though not as revealing as some of the dresses he'd seen her wear, never did he think she looked as beautiful as she did right now. Absence did indeed make the heart grow fonder he thought as he stared at her. That Arianne appreciated the look he was giving her was clear by her expression, the smile a true one he believed.

"My lion approves?" she said and did a spin, Tyrion finding the view from behind just as appealing.

"Very much so, my princess."

There were no other words spoken, Arianne rushed to him and before he knew it they were engaged in a deep passionate kiss. Tyrion finding his hands roaming all over her back and only the wedding feast they needed to attend stopped him from going further. He felt her disappointment and was glad to see her understanding as their kisses became softer over time. Neither of them wishing to stop and both knowing they must.

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