749 20 0

Castle Black 299 AC.


The brothers of the Watch didn't believe him but Jeor did, those who had known him before he came here did and so despite the skepticism, plans were made. What exactly those plans were he didn't know as Jeor wouldn't confide them in him and all plans were soon put on hold because of two events. The first of them was a desertion and the finding of dead brothers in the tunnels. A group of the worst recruits that surprisingly included Quentyn Martell and some men of the Golden Company had killed the men on guard at the tunnel and then made their way north of the Wall.

A meeting was called and a ranging was in the process of being organized when the second of those events occurred. Stannis standing like the rest of the brothers of the Watch and looking on in awe as the dragon landed outside their gates. He had to admit it was an impressive sight as were the five men and the Direwolf that climbed down off the dragon's back. Stannis watched the gates being opened and the king walked inside with Prince Oberyn, Ser Arthur, Ser Walder, and Ser Loras at his side, a small flare of annoyance rising within him when he saw the flower was with them.

"Your grace." Jeor said and as Stannis moved towards the group of men he saw how the king's and Ser Arthur's eyes looked around the yard as if they were looking for someone.

"We must speak Lord Commander, has Stannis Baratheon returned?" the king asked and then nodded at him when he saw him "Perhaps you can join us, Stannis." the king said and Stannis moved closer to them both.

They turned and walked to the Lord Commander's quarters, Stannis, Jeor, Bowen Marsh. Ser Jarman Buckwell and Qhorin Halfhand along with the king, all three of his Kingsguard, and the Dornish Prince. Once inside the three Kingsguard and the king all refused the offered ale and though Prince Oberyn seemed ready to accept, it was the king's suggestion of warm cider that was to be their beverage of choice.

"I take it Stannis has told you all about what he's faced?" the king asked when the cider arrived, Stannis seeing the appreciative looks on all four of the king's companion's faces when they tasted it, though the king himself did not.

"He has, a fantastical story, your grace." Jeor said and Stannis looked to see that Bowen and Ser Jarman didn't seem to agree though the Halfhand seemed to be wavering.

"A true one, unfortunately for us all, Lord Commander." the king said to a loud reaction.

"Wilding's tales and trickery." Bowen said shaking his head.

"Indeed your grace, dead men walking and not only that but fighting, I've no doubt Stannis believes what he says but it's too fantastical to be true." Ser Jarman said.

"Outside these gates a dragon rests, there are four more in Westeros. My grand-uncle Aemon walks around as a young man once more though he's over a hundred years old and he's not even the oldest of my kin who walks the realm today. What you call fantastical Ser is the way of things and my very reason for being. I was born to face the fantastical and trust me on this, they are coming for us all" the king said and Stannis smirked at the look on Jarman and Bowen's face.

"The Watch stands ready for them, your grace." Jeor said and he, the Halfhand, and the other two men nodded.

"There are weapons on their way to help you fight them Lord Commander, Dragonglass, Dragonsteel and Fire are the best defense. My kin and our dragons will provide the fire and the ships will soon deliver you the weapons, when they arrive see that each man carries at least one of them with him at all times." the king said.

The Dragon Cub - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now