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Isle of Faces 299 AC.

Jaehaerys Targaryen.

As Rhaenix flew he tried not to think that the trip Beyond the Wall had been a waste of time. He'd made peace with the Free Folk and was now taking the Children of the Forest to the Isle of Faces and yet it was Bloodraven he found himself concentrating on. Where was he? Who was he? How had he managed to do this? It was thoughts like this that were racing through his head as he flew over the Wall.

He knew he head to find him and soon, someone that powerful who had already caused the damage he had could not be allowed to live. Yet he found he had no idea where to start or how to do so. The Glass Candles had shown him nothing, not of him and not of Euron Greyjoy, another who needed to be dealt with sooner rather than later. When Rhaenix landed and made ready for the night, Jae knew he'd not get much sleep. It was something that he was proved right about and so as Walder, Arthur, Shiera and the Children rested, he took watch. Or to be more precise he stood by his sister and watched her sleep, Rhaenix's soft breathing relaxing him somewhat.

That his mind was so troubled did not go unnoticed and he felt her presence beside him rather than hear her walk his way. Leaf moving almost as silently as Ghost did as she came to his side and stood there looking at the dragon with him. She didn't say a word for the longest time, just standing there and looking and it was only when Jae looked at her that he realized that it was him she was watching and not Rhaenix.

"I had feared you would not come, my prince." Leaf said softly "Even though the gods told me you would, showed me you would, I had feared you would not."

"And had I not?" he asked curiously.

"Then I, my brothers and sisters, all would have perished." she said with little emotion.

"And this didn't scare you?" he asked.

"More than anything I've ever known, more even than finding out the Raven was not on our side." Leaf said.

"Where did he go?" he asked turning completely to her now.

"Beneath the sea, my prince." she said infuriatingly.

"I don't understand." he said his frustration clear.

"Most of his time the Raven would seek answers, my prince, to which questions I knew not. We believed he was looking for ways to help you, now I believe he was looking for ways to bring you down." Leaf said and Jae looked at her for more "Enemies become allies and allies, enemies." Leaf said finally before walking away and leaving him alone once more.

It brought him no comfort, nor did it soothe his troubled mind and when the others awoke the next morning it was to find Jae sitting by the fire. He'd not slept and though he was tired he had no desire to and so after breaking their fast they flew once more. They flew south and it was only when they were flying over the Neck that he began to relax, his mind calming and his body feeling almost invigorated. So much so that despite knowing that night was soon to fall and they were still some distance from the God's Eye, he flew onward rather than rest another night elsewhere.

It was dark when they reached the Isle of Faces, the moon was full though and the light that illuminated the island below them allowed them to land without difficulty. Leaf and the rest of the children climbed down from Rhaenix's back excitedly while Arthur and Walder looked exhausted. When Jae looked to Shiera he could see that while she was unhappy to be here, her expression was one that showed she would stay for only as long as necessary. How long that would be he had no idea but he knew they would be resting here for the night.

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