501 10 3

Eastwatch By the Sea 301 AC.


He knew how hard it had been for Jae to say his goodbyes and his own had been just as difficult. Arthur had spoken to Barristan alone, the two of them telling stories of days long past and men who fell and both saying how happy they were that they'd gotten to serve together once more. It was not something he had ever expected to come to pass and he was glad that it had. There was no finality about their goodbye, no sense that they'd not see each other again. Instead, it was far more simple than that, Barristan had told him that he wished he was going in his place and yet he was comforted that he'd be by the king's side. Arthur knowing what he meant by that and telling him of his own comfort that he was there by the queen and princess's.

That was the truth of things and it was a truth that he knew that Jaime felt just as keenly as he did. Though the enemy they faced was far different than the one in the rebellion, the stakes if anything were even higher. For more years than he cared to think about he'd blamed himself for not being by his prince's side, even though he'd been where he was meant to be. Barristan had blamed himself for not being by Elia and the children's side, even though he too had been where he was meant to be. Now at least both of them were in a way being given the chance to right that wrong. He would be by Jae's side and Barristan would protect his wife and child. Perhaps this time they would be the right men for their tasks and would see a better outcome because of it.

They stopped for the night in the hills that overlooked the keep at Widow's Watch and for once he welcomed the cold air of the North. Jae played his harp as they sat around the fire and told stories and japed at each other's expense. Jors laughing as he told stories of the things his king and Joy had gotten up to when they were children and Arthur lapping up each and every morsel that was thrown his way. It had been a good childhood, one that he was happy Jae had known and his only regret was that he'd missed so much of it.

"Remember the first time you truly brought her riding, me and Alyrs were behind you and even we weren't sure you should go so fast." Jors said laughing as he drank some ale from a pouch that Jae had made sure he'd brought with him.

"Aye, what was it he said again?" Jae asked his own smile full.

"I do not think Lady Genna will approve of this." Jors said as Jae burst out laughing.

"He was right about that." Jae said a few moments later.

"To Alyrs and being right." Jors said raising the pouch.

"To Alyrs." Jae said as he raised his own that was filled with water.

Arthur listened to more stories and he watched as Jors eyes drooped as he got tired and then as Jae helped him to his bedroll. Being put to bed by a king, not many knights could claim such a thing and certainly few Kingsguard, and yet as he looked on it was not a king or a knight he saw. It was a boy and a man who'd been by his side for most of his life, a man who was more than a guard to him, though with Jae that was true about them all.

"I wish you'd had a chance to know him, Arthur. To see how good a man he was. His son is Ser Daven's squire now, cupbearer and page really, but squire he'll be one day and his daughter is being tutored and wishes to be a seamstress when she's older. A shop in Lannisport that is to be hers and hers alone and it's not even close to what I owe them or enough to make up for the years they've spent without their father." Jae said softly after he sat back down by the fire.


"How many more good men am I to take from their family's Arthur, how am I to make up for that to their wives and children?" Jae said almost despondently.

"What's the alternative, Jae? What else can be done? It may fall upon you to end this fight but it falls upon men to fight it does it not? Me, Jors, Loras, Jaime, Oberyn, and every other man that's been called will or do know that. This isn't a war you started, nor one you wish, but it is one that must be fought and so you make it up to them by winning it because if you lose then it matters not about feeling sorry for their families, they'll have none." Arthur said and Jae looked at him and nodded.

The Dragon Cub - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now