Chapter 2 - Alexa

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Alexa's POV:
17 years later.

I woke up to my alarm clock blaring in my ear. "One more hour!" I groaned out in frustration. I knew I shouldn't have stayed up watching movies before my first day at a new school. After all the homework I had to do to catch up to the others, I needed some time to myself. Man, was I paying for it today. I checked my phone, Wednesday 7:30am. I was starting half way through the week.

I rolled out of bed half asleep and realised too late that I couldn't move my legs. My bottom hit the sandy coloured wooden floorboards with a loud thud. I looked at my feet and realised they were tied together with a bit of material.

"Abelardo Aroldal" I screamed out his full name, knowing how much he hated it.

I could hear my brother running up the stairs as he stood at my doorway and cringed. "Alexa how many times have I told you to never use my full name! It's Abe! You know how much I hate it! I don't know what dad was thinking when he named me." He cringed at the last part and I saw sadness in his eyes for a second before he masked it. He tried to cover it up with a laugh, after seeing the position I was in on the floor.

He pulled out his phone and snapped a quick photo before heading towards the bathroom in a fit of laughter. I thought to myself.

"ALEXA!!!!! I can't believe you switched my toothpaste! I'm never going to get that smell and taste of my mouth now!"

I laughed knowing how much he hated fresh mint. "It's not my fault you buy that stupid children's cupcake flavour rather than mint like normal people." I emphasised on the word normal while rolling my eyes.

I head into my ensuite. I was the only one lucky enough to get a bathroom in my room. Mum was always nice letting my brother and I alternate, as she felt bad for always relocating us. I had a quick body shower, and curled my hair into loose brown waves that reached just past my shoulder blades. I threw on a dark pair of jeans, white long sleeve top and my black Skechers. My blue pendant hung just below the neckline of my top. My father had gifted one to my brother and I before he died. We always wear it and never take it off, not even to shower and it's never tangled in my hair or bothered me.

Our new school doesn't really care much for uniforms, but unlike other girls, I prefer runners or flats over pretty heels and wedges. Besides, I'm really not interested in impressing boys right now. We move houses every two years for mum's work so it's kind of pointless getting into any relationships, and I'm not the one-night stand kind of girl.

I really want to fall in love and have a family of my own one day, but I won't be ready for that until I know I can actually settle down and not have to pull my roots from the ground again.

I look in the mirror and see my dull grey eyes reflecting back at me. My skin is pale and my body is an average build and height. I have some soft curves around my chest and hips. What can I say, working out isn't really my forte, but I'm not overweight in any way either. I put a touch of natural make up on. I only put the smallest touch of eyeliner on my upper inner eyelids. Any more and my eyes will stand out too much, not that people wouldn't notice my unique dull grey eyes anyway. There is always at least one bully who comments on them at every school I start. Always!

I ran downstairs grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl, and my lunch off the kitchen counter, placing it in my schoolbag. I walked straight to the front door because I had a feeling that's where I needed to be.

As I turned the handle, I heard a startled yelp. I opened it to see my best friend Alessia Ladlora and her mother Wendy about to knock. Alessia had her hand on her chest, and I could hear her fluttering heart. I frowned at that thought. Who can hear a heart flutter from this distance? Must be her mobile vibrating, I thought to myself.

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