Chapter 6 - Invitation

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Alexa's POV:

"What do you mean, you never told him your name?" Alessia hissed quietly with a raised brow.

"Exactly that! Actually, I specifically didn't tell him my name when he asked me. If he had walked behind my chair and had a look at what I wrote, I would understand, however he was in front of me the entire time and the only person he spoke to, if you would even call it that, was that Rachel girl." I spat her name like her name was a curse.

Not only that, I was rambling. I only do that when I am flustered or nervous. The only person who saw my name was Ed, and he didn't say a word. The only noise out of his mouth when looking towards Zander was the occasional giggle that he couldn't keep hidden. I smirked at the memory.

Alessia looked at me with a thoughtful expression and mumbled under her breath. I only just made out what she said. "I thought I smelt something furry."

"Wait, what?" I replied. Her eyes instantly widened.

"I, uh.. I said... I thought I felt Rachel's fury..."

My best friend looked almost pained, like it hurt her to talk to me. She continued talking while rubbing her temples with two of her fingers on either side of her face in a clockwise motion.

"Yeah, she looked quite mad when you were talking to Zander. She was practically trying to shoot fire towards you from her eyes. You know, just like superman."

"Oh, yeah, that makes more sense." I replied with an eye roll. "But how come you're now rambling? You only quote superheroes when you're nervous about something..." I replied.

Her eyes widened for the second time. Not that I'm counting, but it's really not like her. "Of course I'm nervous." She said while stuttering. "We're starting fresh at a new school for the hundredth time. Now come on, we're going to be late. We can't get on all the teachers bad books already!"

I hardly noticed how she subtly changed the subject. She stormed past me and I actually had to hold my books tightly against my chest to ensure I wouldn't drop them, while my legs carried me faster behind her trying to catch up. "Will you slow down?" I asked, confused by the sudden need for punctuality.

Half the day went by at a steady pace after the first period. Thankfully, few people from my Maths class were in my next few classes. The few that were, however, were giving me odd looks, like they were trying to figure me out. Almost as if I was hiding some dark secret. Weird, right?

Thankfully, it was now lunchtime because I was starving! Alessia and I grabbed our lunch and sat at one of the many tables in the cafeteria. Lucky for us, this one was empty. I filled her in on everything that happened in more detail than I had before, and she actually sat there and listened to all of it without even one smart remark.

"Alright, what's wrong?" I asked her in an accusing tone. "You haven't made fun of me once yet and the school day's almost over, Which really isn't like you." I told her with an eyebrow raised, awaiting a response.

Suddenly, her face changed. It almost looked as though she was trying to find something deep in my eyes. Her concentration was really starting to weird me out. I could swear she was looking through me. But within seconds, her expression changed.

She then gave me a sly grin and looked over my right shoulder to someone behind me. I turned around instantly to see Zander approaching our table like he was on a mission. No, please don't stop here, I thought to myself.

Zander's POV:

"Dude, why didn't you try to touch her?" Ed asked for the third time.

"Well, I was more interested in getting her to forgive me rather than acting like a weirdo, scaring her away for good. Need I remind you that if she ends up being my mate, she's human, which complicates things.. a lot. Just look at what happened to Jax." I said, barely over a whisper, to make sure Jax wouldn't hear me. "He has never been the same since-"

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