Chapter 95 - Confrontation

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Alexa's POV:

The metallic smell of blood filled the air that surrounded us, but it wasn't the strong scent you get when it seeps into the earth after bloodshed. The scent was light, carried by the breeze mixing with the sweet and tangy scents belonging to the recently picked fruits and flowers surrounding us.

My aggressive words were out of my mouth before my brain could catch up. Glimmers menacing growl mixed with my own, held enough power for the stones beneath our feet to rattle.

"Let her go!" Our words emerged after I caught sight of a beautiful girl. She had long red hair and fierce green eyes, but what held my attention most were the deep puncture wounds around her cleavage caused by a rogues filthy claws. Claws that were still yet to be withdrawn from her smooth delicate skin.

He held her from behind, one arm squeezing oxygen from her neck as the other hand latched onto her breast. Her hands were desperately clawing at his that held her neck. In this vulnerable position she was unable to shift safely. "I said.. let her go!"

"Haha! What makes you think I would listen to a weak female like you! You're all so pathetic! Even without my wolf I can take you down. Don't forget the fact that you are greatly outnumbered." The rouge leader laughed.

He had strange tattoo markings up his arms and cold dark brown eyes. Pure hatred excreted from his pores as he spat at me with disgust. Ed growled at his actions and inched closer towards me ready to lunge if the situation called for it. The rogues words made me realise that none of them were in wolf form. They must have all stepped on the wolfsbane flowers.

The other rogues that surrounded us were laughing with their leader, though I could also see the hesitation in their eyes when they looked my way. It was as if they could sense my power even though I had yet to release my aura.

As the girls lips began to change colour and as her desperate attempts for oxygen became erratic, I knew I had to act fast.

I closed my eyes taking deep breaths in, ignoring the laughing and shouting going on around me. I thought about all the unwanted trespasses and particularly the man in front of me and imagined a strong thick vine slithering around his arms and body.

I heard spluttering, wheezing, and Ed's words through our mind link asking me to open my eyes.

It wasn't Ed's words but the tone in which he used them that had me obliging. I opened my eyes to see the girl in front of me on the floor, gasping for air. I immediately checked her over with my eyes, and once I was satisfied that she would be okay, I turned my attention to the man in front of us.

The dark green vine I envisioned was wrapped tightly around the rogues forearms and legs, holding him in place. I could feel my magic still pulsing through me, still very much connected to the slithering vines and my emotions.

I expected the rogue to curse at me, but he didn't. Instead he wore an evil smirk on his face. "Thanks for making our job easier. We were told to search for a hybrid. Half wolf and half witch. You seem to be who we're looking for. You sure did save us a lot of time and energy."

"Who sent you?" I asked as he scoffed.

"I won't answer any of your questions, but if you have to ask me that, then you are no match for her. Men, take her back to our camp and kill anyone who gets in your way."

After a few seconds of silence and preparing myself for a fight that did not come, I allowed my eyes to roam over to where the rogues surrounded us. Their leader took the time to do the same when no one moved.

All the rogues were down on one knee, their faces cast down. At first I thought they felt the power I possessed but realised this action wasn't done willingly.

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