Chapter 65 - Calm Before The Storm

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Alexa's POV:

Cheers and whistles erupted in the thick crowd of people. All eyes and smiles were aimed our way. Zander's hand intertwined with mine and was the only thing keeping mine from visibly shaking. I felt the blush coat my cheeks and a few giggles escape me, at some of the comments I could hear.

"Mark her now Alpha!"

"Yes! How awesome!"

"If it doesn't work out with the Alpha, I'm available."

That last one got a reaction out of Zander. He growled before realising it came from his gamma Ed. The crowd hushed as Ed just laughed knowing he got a rise out of his best friend.

Formalities were over after Zander announced Jax and Ed, the official Beta and Gamma. Both were helping their fathers and practically took over most things anyway, but it was now official.

Zander also used the dagger on our hands to initiate me into the pack. The feeling of the pack link felt strange but in a good way. It didn't take long for the crowds to disperse as light music began playing.

All the children gathered on the dance floor, laughing and twirling within the warm glow emanating from the tall lanterns. Parents watched from the tables and chairs as they ate under the fairy lights that hung above their heads.

Zander! I'm so excited for you! I can't believe my big bro is now the Alpha." Ella spoke as she hugged Zander. Zander was tall and full of muscles, making Ella appear much smaller than she was.

"So.. being Alpha now will make your self control almost non existent. The need to mark your mate will be-" Ella was cut off by Zanders frustrated growl.

"Don't you think I know that already!" He growled angrily. I had to use all my restraint not rip Ed's head off earlier. I knew he was joking but Shadow was ready to tear his throat out just at the challenge! If Alexa hadn't been holding my hand tightly at the time calming me, he may have even succeeded."

My eyes widened at his confession, and Ella promised to speak to Ed and Jax to warn them to take it easy until we have marked and completed the mate bond.

My stomach filled with butterflies as Glimmer howled in longing in my mind. Just the thought of Zander and I marking and mating was filling us with desire rather than fear now. The thought no longer scared me anymore, in place of fear was excitement for what our future held. Not just for us, but for all the people in this pack and my brothers pack.

The moon had taken the suns place in the sky and was surrounded by a generous cluster of beautiful stars. The moons silver glow fought valiantly against the warm candle and fairy lights that scattered around the now thinning crowd.

"Oh.. Um... Alexa... I was meaning to ask you how Ben has been going?" Ella brought me out of my own thoughts and back to the present.

"Good actually. It's been a while since I've seen him, but I ran into him today at the gym. He asked me about you actually." I replied, not missing the blush that rippled along her skin. It was noticeable even in the darkened area we stood in, under the shadow of a tree. "He also wanted me to invite you to watch us spar tomorrow, are you free?" I asked watching her eyes widen.

"Yes!... I...mean.. I don't have anything else better to do tomorrow. Message me later with the details." Ella said before walking away swiftly.

"Is he someone I need to be worried about? Zander grumbled next to me.

"I would have thought my sexy Alpha would have already been worried. You know, after catching them during tempt." I smirked at the memory as Zander growled.

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