Chapter 36 - Mate

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Zander's POV:

Shadow growled out excitedly in my mind wagging his tail.

"Mate, Mate, Maaattee!!!" He stood tall and was trying desperately to hold back from howling out in joy. He wasn't ready for the others to know yet. I have never seen him this happy and excited before.

Her head snapped up towards mine at the sound of my initial growl and feel of my touch. All the air I had, left my lungs in one go as she gazed up at me in shock not realising what just happened.

Her eyes were so bright they had me dazed the minute I saw them. Her wolf eyes looked bright like the moon but had rainbow coloured strands constantly changing in her Iris's that matched the changing shimmering colours outlining her invisible form. There were incredible shades of pink, yellow and green but the different shades of blue and turquoise were more pronounced. She was magnificent! Absolutely breathtaking. If someone had described her to me without me seeing her for myself, I would not have believed them.

There was something familiar about her eyes but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. As my fur receded, my four paws became two legs and two arms. I stood up and had the intense urge to see her in her human form. "Shift." I immediately asked her as I climbed off of her wolf form.

Her eyes gaped at my naked form running slowing along my body from my chest down towards my legs. I stood a little bit taller. I may have flexed a few muscles as an added bonus that didn't go unnoticed by my beautiful mate. Shadow and I enjoyed seeing our mate eye us the way she did. We were hers and she was finally ours.

"Shift." I told her again with more command in my voice as the others finally caught up to me. They were looking all over the place trying to see who I was talking to. I mind linked them explaining she was right in front of me and I explained what she looked like. I conveniently left out the part about her being my mate. I wasn't quite ready to share that just yet. I was still coming to terms with it myself.

They were laughing hysterically holding their stomachs. After a moment I realised she wasn't going to shift so as much as it pained me I knew I had to use my Alphas voice. "Shift before I make you." I said sternly giving her one more chance.

Her eyes looked up, gazing into mine and her head turned to right examining me closely. She looked at me like I was the most interesting thing she had ever laid eyes on. She didn't so much as move a muscle.

"You have left me no choice, please do not fight the command I do not wish to hurt you." I said before I let all the power of my Alpha aura surround me. It rushed through and around me, headed into her direction as I spoke the words one last time.
"Shift now."

She visibly shook her fur out starting from her head to her shoulders down to her paws. The same way a wolf does when drenched with water to dry off. Just as I thought she was going to transform back, I realised it was more of a shiver. "She.. she enjoyed it?" Shadow stated astonishingly.

She barked once playfully and then ran off like a blur moving faster than I have ever seen a female wolf move before. I was in such shock I didn't even run after her. My lips parted in disbelief as no one has ever been able to refuse my Alpha's command before. The others looked at me questioningly since they didn't see anyone turn human. They definitely thought I was seeing things at first, but they also heard her bark so knew I wasn't losing my mind completely.

"She... just ran off." I said in disbelief.

"What? How? That was an Alpha order I felt the power all the way over here!" Ed Said.

"I...I don't know..." I sat there staring at the spot she disappeared from.

Alexa POV:

"Ugh.... my head...." My hands flew up to my eyes to block out the harsh sunlight that was adding to the pain and throbbing coming from my skull. Light was streaming through my window, at least that's what I thought at first, except it wasn't my window. I also wasn't sleeping in my bed. In fact, I wasn't even sleeping in a bed. As my eyes were painful to use right now, I let my other senses aid me.

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