Chapter 109 - Traitor

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Alexa's POV:

The day was a blur of colours, smiles and tasty food. There was live music, dancing and plenty of memories being made. The flash of cameras was testament to that, freezing smiles and happiness in time as the sun began to set behind the tree tops in the distance.

"Clap.. clap.. clap."

A single person clapping in a slow yet demanding way, drew many people's attention away from the dance floor. As the garden fell into silence, it took me a moment to realise why.

"What in the moon goddess are you doing here!" Zander spat at the cloaked figure who was casually leaning against a tree ten meters away.

It was his voice I recognised before even seeing his red eyes that latched straight onto mine with a smirk on his face.

"Hey, I come in peace." Ash said with his palms up, eyes unwavering from my own. He didn't even cast a glance at Zander or the warriors that had now stood up ready to attack.

Zander scoffed. "Every time you have come to visit we receive threats and ultimatums, and now you expect us to believe you come in peace?"

"Yes." Ash replied simply. "Look.. that time we attacked, I kind of owed a small favour to the witch, which I tried to use to my advantage to get Alexa to side with me. I can see where her loyalties lie and have come to accept it now with you both being fully mated." He said gesturing to my pregnant belly. "Congratulations." Ash said with a genuine smile.

I was taken back by his words as I expected him to be mad. "Thank you Ash." I said for the first time joining into this conversation. "For some reason I believe you are genuinely happy for me." I say surprised at the lack of skepticism in my voice.

"Good, just because I wanted you to be mine and your not, does not mean I wish you harm. You were the first person in a long time to give my life some meaning and some excitement."

"What are you doing here?" Zander asked more annoyed than angry.

"I've come to warn Alexa. I personally do not have a death wish, so would like this warning to stay between us." Ash said while scanning the hundreds of pack members silently listening in on our conversation. "Firstly, do something to hide that bump. She will use your weakness against you. Secondly she plans on ambushing you two hours before the moons eclipse knowing you won't be expecting that."

Gasps and nervous chatter broke out amongst the pack. "Liar!" Rachel spat looking rather angry.

It was the first time I noticed her here. I just assumed she would have given our wedding a miss with her obsession with Zander. As if sensing my thoughts Zander mind linked me. "Her parents are loyal warriors and would have seen it as an insult if she didn't come." I gave Zander a subtle nod.

"Why so angry little she wolf.. unless of course you are the traitor she has in the pack that I heard about?"

My eyes widened at the insinuation. Out of everyone it wouldn't surprise me, though I believed in innocent until proven guilty.

"How dare you, you filthy blood sucker!" At Rachel's words Ash took a few calm steps closer to Rachel. She growled menacingly. "Stay out of my head!" She snapped.

I remembered some vampires could read minds if the person wasn't mentally strong enough to resist them. Ash was a royal who kept his abilities under wraps for as long as I had known him, and not once had he used his abilities on me.

"You really should watch how you speak, and your temper. You never know what secrets you let slip." Ash said with an amused grin. "Like the time you tried to convince the Alpha you had sex with him for the first time. He was so out of it you couldn't do anything with him other than desperately rub your scent all over him. Haha! Then he dumped you!" Ash said breaking into a fit of laughter.

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