Chapter 68 - A Fair Fight.

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Ella's POV:

When I first laid eyes on him, my heart began to race. His defined six pack glistened with sweat. The way his muscles flexed and moved reminded me of our night together. I wasn't a virgin but there was definitely something different about Ben.

My breathing halted as his bright emerald eyes locked onto my blue ones. His eyes drifted down my long blonde hair, face and curves leaving heat gliding in its place. I heard his pulse quicken when he found my cleavage. After a brief pause his eyes descended down my long legs which were accentuated by my short shorts.

I could tell by his reaction to me that he feels something for me too. I wasn't sure I wanted to watch Alexa kick his arse but I couldn't look away either. Maybe I could be there for him and help clean up his wounds afterwards.

As Alexa got in the ring, I noticed her hesitate using one of her arms when ducking between the ropes around the boxing ring. The one that had been injured last night. Maybe it would be a fair fight after all.

"Any rules?" Drake asked looking at the two of them.

"No going for the balls! There off limits after last time!" Ben said hitting his two boxing gloves together. His comment made my brows furrow, while Alexa and Alessia smirked knowingly.

"Agreed, all I ask is don't hit my right shoulder I've done something to it yesterday." Alexa's face was an impassive mask, but I could tell it was worrying her. It should have healed by now, especially with her being half mated to Zander, an alpha.

They circled each other watching each others movements closely. Ben was the first to lunge aiming a punch to Alexa's face. She blocked and spun sideways aiming a punch to his ribs with her left hand. I could tell she wasn't relying on the speed or strength of her wolf which I respected her for. She was fighting fair, even while sporting an injury.

Her strength in her left punch wasn't as good as her right but Ben still got the air knocked out of him.

"Not bad Alexa, when I hadn't seen you around as much I thought you may have been slacking off."

"Nope, just been doing more cardio than muscle work, but thanks for the reminder and push. I needed to get my head back in the game." Alexa replied before lunging at Ben.

He blocked her, and used the same move Alexa used. I watched them both move, dodge, kick and punch. Every move memorised by hours of training, it was clear how much muscle memory played a role.

My eyes trailed over Bens thick calves and biceps as he bounced around the ring aiming and dodging punch after punch.

After glancing at his glutes my wolf let out a whistle, unable to help myself. Ben's head snapped in my direction as a beautiful blush coated his upper cheeks, and a smirk tugged up one side of his face.

Alexa used my distraction to her advantage knocking Ben to the ground with her feet, then pinning him down. She did her best to hold him there but with her right shoulder lacking her usual strength, he flipped her over pinning her in place.

"Oh, how I want to be Alexa right now." My wolf spoke to me, voicing my exact thoughts. It wasn't often she spoke about other males as she was only interested in finding our mate.

I heard the bell chime and turned to see a smirking Rachel taking in the scene in front of her. Drake counted down from ten before deeming Ben the winner.

"Yes!" Ben's fist raised in the air with a triumphant grin before he reached out to help Alexa to her feet, making sure to grab her left arm.

"Good fight Ben you've improved heaps!" Alexa spoke as Drake patted Ben on the shoulder.

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