Chapter 93 - Connecting The Dots

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Zander's POV:

It took me a moment and a few deep breaths to realise the dizzy spell I had didn't belong to me. 

"I'm sorry Zander, I had placed a spell on our bond to automatically block you from feeling any of my pain or dizzy spells. I had no idea how long it would last, guess it wore off." Alexa's words shocked me. How long had she been feeling this bad? Why didn't she want me to know. "If you hadn't held me in place just now I probably would have fallen off your lap." She admitted looking towards the floor.

"How long have you been feeling like this? I want the truth, no more secrets or lies. I can't help you if I don't know what's going on." I say looking into her eyes as she takes a seat next to me. 

"It has been around two weeks. It started before everything with.." Alexa swallowed the lump in her throat not able to say 'mum' out loud. "But it's been much worse since she.. left. Occasionally I get a sore stomach, my appetite is there but when I eat I feel sick. Sometimes I end up throwing up so I just choose not to eat, but then I get dizzy like I did just now."

"Alexa this is ridiculous! I'm taking you to the pack doctor now. We need to figure out what is going on with you. Please excuse us." I say to Alessia and Jax as I pull Alexa onto her feet.

Jax stands up and blocks the doorway earning a confused look off Alexa and an angry glare from me. I felt Shadows fury before he took control. His deep voice mixing with my own. "Move out of my way Jax! Brother or not if you stop me from helping my mate, your Luna, I will end you now."

To my surprise Jax didn't even flinch. "You know as well as I, that I would give my life for Alexa so cut the crap and open your eyes, or I'll do it for you." Jax replied with annoyance laced in his words.

Shadow and I froze not sure what we were missing or how to respond. We sat back down and waited for Jax to elaborate noticing Alessia hadn't moved or spoken. She just sat their calmly. It was clear she already knew what was wrong and had seen this version of the future.

Alexa's POV:

I could feel Jax's frustration from where I was sitting, though I couldn't tell who or what it stemmed from.

"For starters, Alexa has been feeling sick for around two weeks. She has had food aversions, especially to chicken and meat, has been skipping meals, vomiting and overall not feeling well. On top of that I told you about me finding her asleep on your desk and always looking tired."

Zander looked taken back trying to piece together the information. I was surprised he caught me sleeping, I had tried so hard to hide it. 

"And you-" Jax turned his attention onto me. I had never seen his disapproval aimed my way until now. "I think deep down you know what might be happening but you're in denial. It's the reason I've been going easy on you at training and cutting our lessons short this week."

Jax took a shaky breath before continuing; "Ever since I overheard you asking Alessia for a spell to block the mate bond, it all made sense to me. You just weren't ready to admit it to yourself or say it out loud, but by doing so you aren't just putting yourself in danger but someone else. Someone very important to me."

The last sentence had Zander even more confused and frozen on the spot, but I understood what Jax was saying. I felt nervous and scared. No doubt Zander could feel my fear, heck he could probably smell it in the air.

No matter what Jax said I still couldn't bring myself to speak. There were no words, nothing but overwhelming fear. It even rendered Zander speechless as he didn't understand its cause.

Alessia smiled at Jax approvingly before standing up. Only once tears pricked the sides of my eyes did she walk over to me and engulf me in her biggest warmest of hugs. My tears flowed freely in her safe embrace as I cried in her arms. 

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