Chapter 102 - Night Terror

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Alexa's POV:

Long gone we're the fluffy white clouds that lazily drifted by. In their place was a single dark cloud heavily pregnant, desperately awaiting the perfect moment to release its extra weight on the earth below.

I stood there in darkness face up towards the sky. The wind tormenting me, turning my hair into sharp stinging needles against my face and wiping my bare neck and shoulders, with powerful force.

Despite the chill in the air that dug it's way deep into my bones, and the goosebumps that rose against every inch of my skin, I awaited the heavy downpour. There was no moon in the sky just the faint glowing lights coming from the few stars that surrounded the cloud. Needless to say, the cloud blocked the vast majority of them.

It only took seconds for dazzling lighting to strike just by my feet, narrowly missing my baby bump. I gasped with fright taking tentative steps back keeping my wide eyes glued to the danger above. A protective hand instinctively went against my stomach.

The heavy downpour began, large droplets absorbing into my hair and clothes. They clung to me restricting my movements, and weighing me down only adding to my panicked state.

My mouth opened gasping for air. It was the moment I tasted it. Looking up, the rain was red. The lack of light in the sky made it hard for me to see it before. Realisation hitting me like a freight train as the metallic taste in my mouth became overpowering. My clothes weighing me down, clinging to the wet soil that felt more like quick sand beneath my feet.

My limbs flailed desperately trying to grab some traction to no avail. I sunk further beneath the earth screaming for someone to help me. Begging and crying. Pleading with the moon goddess to save me. Swearing to make up for the wrongs I have made, promising to be a better person. I screamed and cried until my mouth filled with the blood and soil preventing me from crying any further, as the earth swallowed me whole.

"Alexa! Wake up!" Zander's growl boomed throughout the room as he pulled me into his arms. "You're okay. You're safe now." He said with a sense of desperation in his voice as he surrounded me in his safe embrace.

The familiar sparks and scent of my mate instantly had me taking in a deep calming breath. A breath I thought I would never experience again. Cold sweat slid between my chest and back causing an intense desire to shed my damp top. The awful familiar feeling of my clothes sticking to me restricting my movements was something I couldn't shake. Even though they weren't covered in blood, this dream felt too real, too alive to just be a dream.

Zander furrowed his brows as I pulled myself out of his arms to remove my clothes. A look of hurt sizzled through the bond. I took deep calming breath before speaking. "Sorry." I breathed out, exhaustion making its presence known as I spoke. "I can't wear these again. I need a shower." I said as I shredded the top with my sharp claws. Unfortunately it was the same one I wore in my nightmare.

"Alexa.. before you go, you need to know something." Zander swallowed glancing at the window. Goosebumps rose when I saw blotches of blood splattered against the glass. "They.. you.." Zander stuttered and stared at the spot unsure of what to say. Black birds laid motionless on the roof below my window seal.

"You were screaming for help Alexa. You were standing by the window and every time you screamed and moved your arms a crow would fly straight to the window. It was as if they were trying to break through to get to you. The look in their eyes was crazed. If it wasn't for the reinforced bullet proof glass, I don't want to know what state you would be in right now."

My heart sunk at his words as tears filled my eyes. I excused myself unable to look at the dead birds any longer. I let my thoughts linger wondering on the birds intentions as I stepped into the heavy stream of the water. Were they trying to help me or kill me? Why would they look crazed. Was I controlling them or was someone else?

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