Chapter 99 - Max's First Day

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Alexa's POV:

I could already see Max's walls crumbling down by morning. Ella had made huge progress with him last night. I could hear them laughing from time to time as they moved from my room into hers. Poor thing was so exhausted he fell asleep instantly.

I asked Ella to leave her window open just a little so I could listen in for the first few nights. I woke up to hear him scream and cry. I didn't get up though, as I heard Ella console him. "Shhh you're okay now, it was just a bad dream. I'm here, I'll protect you."

I knew Ella would be a great fit for Max. I didn't want to risk him getting overly attached to me only to lose me because of the war. I was planning on making sure Ella and Ben were as far away from the fight as possible.

As Max's little footsteps slowly came down the stairs, I made sure to be the first person he saw. As expected, his wary and nervous posture relaxed upon seeing my huge smile in his direction. 

"Now Sumi, I didn't know what you would like, so I hope pancakes are okay? I made a whole bunch with a side of fresh fruit. Personally I like putting Nutella and coconut on mine, and some crushed biscuit for some crunch." I said with a smile. 

As I smiled Zander slid a plate over to me with two pancakes covered in fruit. He had a cheeky smirk on his face which was the only reason I didn't growl at him.

"But.. I guess fruits healthier." I grumbled watching Zander nod and wrap his arm protectively around my stomach. Max smiled at the exchange but froze when he saw Zander's arm. My guess was he still felt bad from yesterday. 

"That kid is lucky he's cute!" Said Glim in my mind. "I don't like being silenced very much."

"Well maybe you can make an appearance later and make him like you?" I said to Glim before bringing my attention back to Max.

"Max, Zander and I will be getting to see the baby for the first time today, would you and Ella like to come to the scan?"

Max smiled and nodded after looking at Ella who had followed him down the stairs. Ella mimed a thank you to me before taking a seat.

Zander, Jax, Ed, Ella, Max and I all ate together on the dining table that hardly got used. Jax was the one carrying most of the conversation making us all laugh for a change.

"Since when are you a morning person?" Ed grumbled sleepily while spearing a pancake with his fork. "I'm meant to be the funny one, and you're usually the mean, grumpy one. You've been acting weird the last few days."

At Ed's words Ella nodded enthusiastically while Zander and I just shared a look. Ella however picked up on our look. I could practically see the questions burning in her eyes. I was lucky Ed was half asleep as he was usually mister attention to detail.

"Um, I'm sorry to change the topic but I have some really important things I think you all need to know." At Max's words we all turned our attention onto him. Zander gave him a smile and a nod.

"First, I would like to say thank you for being so nice to me. Even if it only lasts a day until I tell you everything I know, this has been one of the best days I have had in a long time."

"Wait, M.. Uh Sumi.." Ella began nervously. "Is that what you think, we were only being nice so you would tell us everything you know?"

"I.. uh.. did at first. It made no sense why Luna would let that happen yesterday." My eyes widened. Lucky I managed to put up my walls before Zander felt my shock or guilt. Unfortunately by putting up my walls he also realised I was hiding something from him. 

"Let what happen yesterday?" Zander's voice came out strong but he did his best to keep his anger out of it. I knew better though. I put my hand on his knee.

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