Chapter 119 - Fallen Angel

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Alexa's POV:

I felt it the moment our souls connected. My light made her darkness flee with a speed that would have made me smile if I wasn't dying. Glacey's soul danced happily around mine before she went into the light that sat a few metres in front of me, going in search of her mate.

I'd like to say I saw beautiful landscapes and colours that didn't exist in our world that rendered me speechless, but I sat suspended in white light. The more I tried to get to the brighter light a few feet away, something would hold me back.

Their was a warmth in my stomach that kept me there. It was hard to explain but I felt at peace.

"My darling child, it's so nice to see you." An angelic voice called out to me from behind, or was it all around me?

I frantically looked around until my eyes landed on a ball of light. I recognised this orb from my dream.

"Are you.. the moon goddess? Have I died? Where's my baby?" I spoke my mind not giving her a chance to reply.

The Orb turned into a beautiful woman who reminded me a lot of myself actually. She was taller, slimmer and had a beautiful glow to her skin. She radiated love and warmth. The kind you would want to get lost in. The kind that would heal all the pain and wounds of your past.

"Yes.. and no, you haven't died yet, but it is inevitable. Your baby is still bound to earth, and is trying to heal you from the inside. Your mate and friend is also doing their best to help."

"Heal me.. from the inside?" I was confused at what I was hearing.

"Well, she is trying but will soon fail. She is not powerful enough yet, and if she was to be born, won't be able to tap into that power until she has her wolf." She is just as special as you, my child." She said with a smile before continuing.

"You have played your part well. You have not just ridden the world of the witch and her evil desires, but ridden her of the evil that lived within. Even I didn't see that coming." She chuckled. The sound so light and carefree, it almost distracted me from her words.

"I am happy the world is safe, and that I have fulfilled the prophecy." I said with a smile, though my heart still ached to be with Zander and my baby.

As if feeling my emotions her smile wavered and she frowned with a look of confusion on her face.

Alessia's POV:

Stress, panic and guilt ran through my veins. I only had one chance to get this right or Alexa and her baby would be gone forever. The trouble was, I couldn't see a future where I helped her. Any future where I was this involved never was shown to me no matter how much I begged for it.

"Of course, I will gladly do what you need." The man in front of me, Victor had agreed to what I needed but for this to work I also needed another sacrifice.

Before I turned and pressed my head against Felix's a loud howl shook the land causing small rocks to fall from the ceiling and walls. It came from Zander, I knew this as I had seen his pain and agony many times at the loss of both Alexa and his baby. Even not being a part of the pack, Flow felt his pain as if it was her own.

I willed the images to Felix showing him his future. One where he dies which was only a forty percent chance. And the other where he commits suicide three weeks later due to the loss of his mate, his family and friends. He somehow survived the mate bond like Derek, only for his grief and loneliness to consume him.

"You have a choice. You can live one of these futures or we can make another option. If you are willing to trade you life for our Lunas and her baby I believe we can save them both.

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