Chapter 90 - Not Just A Pretty Face

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Alexa's POV:

The next few days I barely saw Zander as he worked on plans with his father regarding the upcoming war and helped out Drake and Ned with Abe's pack.

As hard as that was, it opened up a new opportunity for me. Without Zander around people began coming to me for help. In the space of a few days I helped with the rebuilding plans for a house that burnt down, replaced a few exercise machines and punching bags, and went through the accounting paperwork paying some invoices. It was a much needed distraction from my thoughts, nightmares and sorrow.

I noticed how much we spent on groceries to feed the pack and couldn't believe my eyes. I knew Zander's father had a few businesses in the main shopping district responsible for bringing income in to support the pack, such as the dress store Ella works at, but surely there was more we could do.

I looked at a map of our lands. On the middle and right hand side of the map, the land was used for housing and training. There were forests surrounding the pack border and the school to the right. The town was half on our land and half on Sharp Tooth borders. On the left however, I noticed a large chunk of land that was vacant. Other than a freshwater stream that branched off into different directions, there was nothing.

I brought Jax, Ed, and Ella with me to bounce ideas off of, on the first day. I wanted my plans to stay a secret for now so I decided to use an Alpha command on them. Not because I didn't trust them, but because I knew Zander would try fish for information.

As Luna I scheduled a pack meeting for three days time, one that Zander was told to be available for. Let's just say he was very confused, and wasn't happy with the lack of information I provided him with. It was unlike him to have such little knowledge or control over a meeting concerning his own pack.

Just as I suspected he attempted to speak to Jax and Ed before realising I had used a Alpha command on them when they were unable to answer. Needless to say he didn't ask Ella or mention it to me. It was actually Jax that came and told me, ratting out his older brother.

Jax and I had definitely grown closer, and he was my most loyal pack member. Well Jax and Ella were both in a constant competition for first place, while Ed just kept calling me bestie, mostly to get under Alessia's skin when she was around. At first I thought our closeness was because Jax was Zander's brother, then because he was spending so much time training me, but now I could see it was just embedded inside him. He respected me and I him.

I could also sense a lot of his pain stemming from not having his mate, but he hid it so well. Sometimes when he would touch my shoulder or high five me when I nailed a new fighting move, I would feel an ounce of his pain. It was like a vibrating cord that connected us whenever he touched me.

I wasn't sure why I was able to feel it all of a sudden, or how to help him, but I never brought it up knowing he didn't want me to. He was also oblivious to it, as it was a one way cord. Don't ask me how I knew, I just did.

Three days later at 4pm on the dot, the pack gathered around the mansion in the backyard. I approached the microphone with Zander by my side.

Public speaking wasn't something I was good at, but on this occasion my fingers shook with equal parts nerves and excitement. Zander's warm hand intertwined with mine providing me a comfort I didn't realise I needed, and chased away the sick feeling in my stomach before it had a chance to take hold.

"Thank you all for taking the time out of your day and joining me today. I'd like to start by saying Zander has no knowledge why I've called everyone here today, so if I get anything wrong or have missed something vital, the blame rests solely on my shoulders."

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