Chapter 19 - The Cabin

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Alexa's POV:

Ella opened the door to a beautiful looking cabin. It had wooden wall paneling going vertically to the right, a very welcoming cream colour couch with a brown faux fur blanket hanging off the side. Right near the couch was a white shaggy rug that led towards a beautiful dark stone looking fireplace. Perfectly stacked wood almost kissed the ceiling on either side of the fireplace. 

The kitchen was wooden, holding up a dark stone bench top that matched the fire place. The eye catcher and best attraction, was visible through the large kitchen window. The window was almost the size of the entire wall and from where I stood I could see a pool and a jacuzzi surrounded with greenery and lights. The odd lounge chair made an appearance here and there, and it appeared that everything was positioned to be facing the backyard and endless forest.

Ella stood next to me appreciating the beautiful view. It was still pitch black outside but there were lots of beautiful fairy lights outside around the trees that surrounded the pool and yard making everything visible. 

"Come to the bathroom let me help clean you up and get you some new clothes." Ella led me down the hall into one of the large bathrooms.

I undressed down to my bra and undies and sat on the end of a beautiful large white and gold spa. She cleaned out rocks that were stuck in my knees from the fall and told me to shower as I had dragged blood and dirt through the house. 

I stood in the shower letting the warm water calm me. The adrenaline that was pumping through my body earlier was making its way out. I could now feel the stinging wounds on my knees and my throbbing neck where I had been bitten. It burned and kept oozing blood that looked a mix between dark red and black. The simple movement of my arms washing my hair caused the area pain but it was bearable, and I was grateful to be alive. My mind was somehow reliving the events over and over. 

When I got out of the bathroom wrapped in a warm fluffy white towel, Ella was there waiting for me. She held bandages and began to cover my wounds, attempting to stop the bleeding on my neck. She dressed them all neatly and left me some of her clothes that I swiftly dressed into once she had left.

"Here are the keys if you need to leave, although after today's events I would suggest staying indoors as much as possible." Ella said with a sad smile.

"I have school tomorrow. How will I find you to give the keys back?" I asked.

"Right! Tomorrow morning is Wednesday. There is only one school here so I go to the same one. Uh.. what classes do you have after lunch? I'll meet you outside it."

"I have maths after lunch in room 108, Great, thank you again for letting me stay here and for earlier. It was brave of you to be willing to stay with me for comfort when I was meant to, you know.. die."

Great now the atmosphere turned gloomy again. I gave her a quick tight hug and closed the door kind of fast in her face as I didn't want her to see the tears that began streaming down my face.

Ella's POV:

When I woke up today, if someone had told me I would witness vampires feeding, people dying and a witch turn one vampire to ash with a punch to the face, I would have laughed hysterically at them. Now, not so much. When Alexa was in the shower I used the other shower to wash all the blood off me. I was quick as I wanted to be ready before her to help dress her wounds.

She was probably in shock as she took so long in the shower I had time to change clothes and dry my hair. After I took a look at her wounds, I did my best to dress them. She thanked me for everything, gave me a big hug and waved me goodbye. I saw tears prickle her eyes as she quickly shut the door. 

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