Chapter 30 - Party!

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Alexa's POV:

The chime of the doorbell rang out at exactly 6:45pm. I picked up a large black coat that Abe actually bought for me once as a joke, just to cover my dress. I didn't want everyone to know I turned up in white and have all the attention on me, but a part of me did want to annoy Rachel. Funny enough the dress didn't fall out of the coat once while I wanted it hidden. It also gave me this constant peaceful warmth that felt like I was wearing tingles if that even makes any sense. I decided to cover it for now and remove it later if Rachel annoyed me enough.

Ben stood outside in a pale blue shirt and dark blue jeans. Thankfully he didn't bring any flowers or it would have felt like a date. I already felt odd leaving the house with a guy who wasn't Zander, though I don't know why when we weren't together or anything. Just the thought of us being together made my stomach do a backflip, so I pushed that thought away instantly.

It didn't take long to get to Rachel's house. The large beautiful two story house was breathtaking, and looked crowded inside and out. There was a tall wooden looking barn out back with connecting white gazebos on either side. The roof and walls had small gaps between wooden boards allowing the cool night air to blow against my hair as I walked. It made me realise this barn, if you could call it that, was just for show and used mainly for parties.

Elegant white drapes hung from the ceiling tied against the sides of the barn as yellow fairy lights wrapped proudly around the wooden beams and supports. A DJ played music on a dais beside a large empty dance floor as guests continued to arrive.

The connecting white gazebos
were filled with tables and chairs for guests to sit on. When I say tables and chairs I don't mean the plastic fold out type covered in thin colourful plastic that tears easily when you scratch it. I mean elegant hardwood tables with matching dining chairs.

To the side sat black couches surrounding low coffee tables that carried various card games, truth or dare and spin the bottle. White candles flickered and fought for attention against the romantic glow of the fairy lights that surrounded me. The only thing fake were the white LED candles that framed the large square dance floor. It looked beautiful at first, until I noticed how dull they looked in comparison to the pure silver light from the moon. It shone through the gaps of the barn onto the dance floor like a spotlight. I almost thought it was intentional but knew that couldn't possibly be the case.

Some smaller tables near the entrances of the barn and two gazebos were covered in food and alcohol. That was where most people were beginning to gather.

Ben and I mixed into the crowd and decided to get drinks. We needed something to help rid us of the awkward tension you get, when you first get to a party and don't know anyone.

The night had a chill in the air, which worked in my favour as no one questioned my coat. The birthday girl herself approached me with an eyebrow raised.

Rachel was wearing a very short tight fitted white dress that had a neckline so low and wide you could see huge amounts of cleavage. She had a nice body and looked sexy in it, I'll admit, however in my opinion it looked more like a thick strap over her nipples rather than the top of a dress. I was really amazed how it managed to keep in place when everything else seemed to be out for display. She had her blonde hair down straight, and a thick coat of make up on, but hey, who am I to judge?

She scoffed as her eyes roamed up and down my body, taking in my long black coat. "You know Alexa, if you really want to fit in around here you should really think about wearing something more... appropriate. Girls normally go to parties with the intention of standing out. With this on, I almost mistook you for one of the guys. That was until I noticed your heels that is." She laughed.

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