Chapter 43 - Scent Of A Mate

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Zander's POV:

I gazed into the beautiful moon like eyes belonging to the girl standing in front of me. She was so angelic and had a glow to her skin. Her lips were plump and her smile was kind. You could tell there was a sort of purity to her. A feeling of awe emerged inside me but the feeling was cut short when I heard the dark cloaked witch speak, bringing my attention back to my surroundings.

"I know you have met her, or I would not be connecting to you for a second time." Said the witch matter of factly. She was standing in the corner of the dark wet room. The room looked entirely made up of large boulders and the floor was made of stone pavers. It almost looked like a cave with the occasional large roots that weaved between the boulders and cracks in the walls.

"I honestly don't know what you are talking about? Can't you just look for the girl yourself? Though I do hope you never find her if she is anything like the girl standing in front of me." I replied.

"Only you can actually see her features in these meetings. To me I see a dark silhouette. If you would be so kind to describe her to me, maybe I will leave you and your pack alone?" The witch replied with an evil smirk taking over her face.

"Hmm, okay then. She has blonde hair and brown eyes." I say carefully, not wanting to give the witch accurate details of the innocent girl standing in front of me.

"Do you take me for a fool boy? MI must thank you for telling me that she does 'not' have blonde hair and brown eyes, that does narrow my search down substantially. I'm sure you have seen my rogues around? I can send them away if you just tell me your location?"

"If you have sent me rogues then why do you need my location?" I ask carefully choosing my words not wanting to help the witch any more than I already had.

"Do you honestly think I was sending them to only one destination? There are hundreds of packs around the world and yet I seem to have had little luck pin pointing the girls exact location." Said the witch with a slight annoyance in her voice.

"Well I'm sure spending your time with me today is wasting some of your precious time. Best we both get on with our lives and never speak again." I said hopefully.

"Haha, I thought Alphas were supposed to be smart, not funny? Though your not quite an Alpha yet are you? I can feel your power growing, but you're still no match for me boy." She said raking her eyes over me judgmentally.

I almost didn't hear the last part as the room began to shake. We were both looking around the room as small sharp stones and dirt seemed to be falling onto our hair and eyes.

"It seems someone is trying quite hard to wake you, so i'll finish with this; even if I knew where she was, I couldn't strike her yet anyway. I still have to wait for the eclipse that is taking place in a few months time. That is when she will be at her weakest. That gives us plenty more nights to catch up if I see fit. See you soon."

I wake up to a fist flying towards my face. I manage to catch it just before it strikes. "Jax! What in the moon goddess do you think your doing?" I yell at him feeling pain all over my nose and face.

Jax looked at me relieved. He had blood smeared all over his shirt and fist, and I doubt it was his.

"Waking you up of course! Man I was hoping to never see you do that weird floating thing again. Those shocks hurt you know!"

"Well thanks, I didn't want to be there either, but at least I got some useful information off her. I accidentally may have helped her also." I said recalling the clues she now has to go off.

I called for a quick meeting. It wasn't long until we were all seated in my dads office. I informed Dad, Jax and Ed on everything the witch said to me. After around an hour we all left the office to get ready for the day ahead. My broken nose had to be re-broken and put back in place due to my rapid healing. I swore Ella actually enjoyed it.

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