Chapter 75 - Mental Telepathy

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Alexa's POV:

Alessia and I wondered outside the cabin into the woods after having lunch together. She told me all about the last few days with Crim and how his parents are starting to approve of her. Especially when she told his father where he may have dropped his phone. Turns out she was quite useful to have around.

The odd warning she provided here and there, turned out to be helping out a lot of vampires also. Having her around had been rather helpful. Slowly she began winning over more and more vampires as she settled in.

"Looks like both our powers have been growing by the looks of it." I say giving her a smile. I couldn't wait for another training session with her now that I felt like I had more control.

"Tell me about it! Though I keep having this strange vision of us looking at each other with weird expressions on our faces. Nothing I've tried shows me anything different or any more information like it's meant to be some big thing I keep missing. It's been frustrating the crap out of me, I've even been a little snappy at Crimson!"

"Crimson? Is that your nickname for lover boy or something? Couldn't have gone with criminal?" I asked laughing.

"It's actually his full name. I know right? His parents named him after the colour of blood and his younger brother 'Ash' which is what vampires turn into when they die. Talk about a sick sense of humour! He hates it, so naturally I call him that when I'm angry." Alessia replies with a wink making me laugh.

"Goddess I've missed you!" I say as Alessia raises an eyebrow.

"Great they got you saying it too now!" She says rolling her eyes.

"That was actually the first time trying it out, it's a little different but I could get used-" my words halt in the back of my throat as my focus is pulled from our conversation, and directed to the view in front of me.

The training course looks completely different. I almost didn't recognise the clearing.
"Pretty cool huh?" Alessia asks pointing at the endless rows of targets. Other than the usual three candles sitting on the burnt tree truck I was expecting, there were now red and white striped wooden targets hidden amongst the branches, shrubs and inside of hollowed out trees. A white circle was drawn in the centre of the clearing on the ground.

"This looks incredible but you shouldn't have gone through all this effort since they will only burn once I hit them." I say sadly.

"Na ah.. These are targets that I have bewitched. They are fire proof actually. I also have one more surprise for you but you will just have to stay on your toes and start training to see it." Alessia says while rocking excitedly on the balls and tips of her feet.

Okay, I was a little eager to try out the new targets and test myself out. I no longer needed to get angry, scared or turned on to feel the familiar buzz of warm magic that sat just below my skin. It sizzled and crackled on command. Orange balls of fire shoot out of my palms hitting target after target, making them sparkle gold when I hit a bullseye and green when I just hit the target.

"Okay the glitter thing is pretty cool!" I say out of breath. "Aaah!" I screamed as a target flung through the air towards my head from behind me. It almost hit me but I managed to not so gracefully roll out of the way.

"Now 'that' my friend, was your other surprise." She said cackling to herself as I shot her a glare. "Looks like you missed one!"

Hours passed when Alessia announced a new game. "I'm going to hide my scent and will go and hide. After counting to ten come find me." There was something in the look she had given me that told me she was up to something.

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