Chapter 39 - Blood, Sweat And Tears

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Alexa's POV:

I had stopped in a large paddock. It was the first opening away from the dense forest trees and insects that I was constantly swatting away. My lungs and throat burned with that cold burn you get when you physically push your body past it's limits. I wasn't coping so well if I was being honest,

The air burned on every inhale as my lungs begged for more oxygen to send to my rapidly beating heart. I leant forward, my palms resting on my knees as sweat dripped from my forehead onto the grass below.

On occasion I heard twigs break in the distance and had the feeling like someone or something was watching me. Needless to say, I didn't stick around as long as my body needed me to.

"Why so jumpy?" I jumped as I heard Glimmer in my head after quite a long time of her being silent. She was now laughing at me, only proving her point.

"Do you not have anything better to do rather than scare me half to death? My heart already felt like it was struggling before you scared me!" I said to her trying to catch my breath.

"Duh! I could feel it too you know! That's why I'm here silly." She said to me as though I should understand what she was talking about. "I can sense other wolves around here so it might be better if I keep you company in case you need me." She said.

"No offence Glimmer, but I am struggling to see how a voice in my head can help me if I'm in trouble? Other than control my body like you did the other night, I doubt we can take on a full grown wolf." I said confidently. I shrugged off her use of the words 'other wolves' not understanding what she meant, and being too exhausted to care.

"Oh... right I completely forgot I pushed you to the far back of our mind while we had our first shift yesterday. I took complete control to protect you from the pain, Please don't be mad. It was a lot worse than it should have been, since we were so overdue."

"Right our first shift." I said sarcastically, like that should explain everything. "So instead of waking up with money in my pocket why did I wake up completely naked in such a public place? Please don't tell me your job is being a professional escort with benefits and you somehow forgot our money and clothes back at the hotel." I said to her only half joking.

"Huh? You're a strange human." Glimmer replied.

"Well since your a voice in my head that would also make you one, so we're even." I replied.

"That would have been funny if either of us were human." Glimmer laughed. "Wait I hear something let me help you listen in."

All of a sudden my hearing became sharp, I could hear the sound of grass being squished making a slight crunching sound beneath someones feet. It sounded like an animal was trying to stalk its prey a good fifteen metres away, though I wasn't exactly sure how I knew that information.

Ten meters away.. It was steadily approaching and it wouldn't have felt that far if it wasn't for the now dense forest I was back in. The trees casting dark shadows all around me. My hearing became super acute to the point I could hear a rabbit in its burrow eating, and a snake in the thick grass around eight metres away shedding its skin. A moment later there it was again, a paw stepping on some leaves and dry grass only about seven metres away.

"We need to get out of here!" I said to Glimmer as I took off running. I dodged thick tree trucks and ducked under low branches as I ran. I could here the animal behind me pick up its pace but still trying not to go too fast as to not draw more attention.

I felt goose bumps spread along my skin and just knew it was chasing me. After another five minutes I made it out of the thick forest, and onto Rachel's front garden.

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