Chapter 83 - Sweet And Juicy

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Alexa's POV:

A quick shower later and we found ourselves sitting on the stools by the kitchen counter. A very scratched up Jax stood brooding directly in front of us as Ed, Ella and Zander's parents stood surrounding the counter.

Mum was making dinner while casting me the odd glance and smile here and there. 

"Okay I'll be the first to break the awkward silence." Ed said giving me a smile. " I have to say I'm surprised Zander's done already."

A low growl from Zander had Ed's hands shoot up in surrender and a light blush stain my cheeks. "Hey no offence but after what you just did outside again and what you guys clearly did upstairs, I thought you might have needed a nap or something." 

An uncomfortable Mike cleared his throat clearly needing a subject change that I was also grateful for. Ella didn't get the memo or just didn't care when she said "Brother I feel obligated to remind you the rooms might be soundproof but only when the windows are closed."

I'm sure I was now the colour of deep ruby as my eyes refused to look up and meet anyone's gaze. The white and grey marble counter top held all of my attention at that moment.

"Ed, what did you mean by 'what you did outside again?' Zander asked. "Alexa, I felt a calming warmth tingle my skin afterwards, did you-"

"Yes." My quick reply cut Zander off as all the blood in my body felt the need to only linger towards my face. "I..ah.. could have held it back this time. I felt more in control, but was curious to see what it would do. A mango tree that Ed so desperately wanted may have also crossed my mind but I'm not sure exactly what I did or if it worked." I said honestly before looking up.

"I didn't see any mangos but thanks for thinking of me." Ed said happily. A genuine smile gracing his face. 

Zander and I stood up, eager to see the garden. Before I reached the door my phone rang. I answered it as we walked outside, my full attention on the familiar voice on the line.

"Hey Alexa it's Drake."

"Oh hi Drake how's Ana and Allison? Sorry I haven't come in for a while, I still need to drop off the papers I have completed and pick up some new ones up from the gym."

"Oh, they are really good! Allison keeps asking about you and is looking forward to seeing you tomorrow."

A silence filled the phone as I tried to remember what day it was.

"Haha your brother thought you'd forget so wanted me to remind you. Tomorrow is the fifth of June and his looking forward to your challenge. He also said to warn you that there will be a crowd as the pack was informed of the prophecy, and of your importance. Naturally everyone is excited to meet their Alphas sister.

"Of course they are, thanks for the reminder Drake."

"Oh and two more things Alexa, one; your brother met his mate, and two; you're fired."

Drakes voice rang on repeat in my ears until I was finally able to form some words of my own.

"That's great, and it's okay I understand." but the last word came out raspy and short of breath. A small sharp pain pierced my heart as the feeling of uselessness and failure echoed in each beat.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow." I said more confidently locking away my other emotions. I looked up at Zander knowing he heard every word and probably felt my emotions through the bond.

"Alexa, if it was up to me I'd keep you on, but your brother is the boss and he said you have enough on your plate and that your head needs to be in tomorrow's fight and the fights fast approaching." Relief flooded my chest as I realised it wasn't something I had done wrong, but an action made out of love for me. Even if it was overbearing and controlling of him, I knew Abe meant no harm.

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