Chapter 88 - Always In Our Hearts

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Alexa's POV:

"I..can't believe this." Abe's voice quivered, but his words didn't give me much information. It was clear by Abe's sorrowful sobbing he was now unable to speak any further.

I hesitantly picked another fruit while keeping my eyes on Abe. As I took a bite my mouth filled with the sweet juice of a fig, only as I bit down a second time everything changed.

Rather than the sweet fig, I tasted mums baking, felt her warm hugs and love, and smelt her sweet scent as if she was here giving me a big hug. I tasted and relived all the fond memories I had thought of when growing the tree. My eyes welled up with tears of joy. Tears that flowed just as fast as my brothers.

The storm clouds above us shed their extra weight at the same time. Drops of rain came down hard around us. The harder we cried the more it rained it seemed.

"It's like a part of mum lives on in this tree. As I ate the fruit it was like I was reliving my favourite memories. I could feel mum squeezing us in a bear hug. I could taste her home cooked meals and hear the songs she used to sing to us." Abe's words held joy so strong it broke through some of my pain. That hollow feeling in my heart remained though.

The large fig tree did a great job shielding us from some of the rain but thanks to the wind there was no way we would remain dry.

Our clothes became a second skin clinging for dear life, so we decided to shed them. Abe turned into his large brown wolf eyeing me curiously as I let Glimmer take control. Our bones cracked and reformed into our beautiful wolf. Abe's wolf let out a startled yelp as I disappeared before him. His head turning frantically trying to find me.

Glimmer let him smell us and watched in amusement as his head snapped straight towards our direction. When his head rested on his paws after giving up from trying to see us, only then did glimmer choose to be seen.

Our bright white coat still stood out beneath the dark storm clouds, droops of rain still clinging to our fur.

As our tears dried, the clouds thinned out. Rays of sunshine peeked out from behind them and the familiar scent of our mates filled our noses.

Abe and I stood at once noticing Zander and Bella walking towards us with blankets. Bellas eyes widened as she took in both my wolf and the beautiful fig tree that hadn't been there earlier.

We turned back into our human form and Abe did his best to explain what had happened and what the tree represents. Both Zander and Bella wanted to taste it for themselves though.

Bella looked my way after taking a small bite. "I've heard about very strong witches being able to cast magic that is unpredictable and constantly changing. This is the first time I have seen it with my own eyes as it is extremely rare. I'm sorry Abe, but if your match continued I'm afraid you wouldn't have stood a chance against your sister. It wasn't a fair match if she was withholding half of her abilities even if you don't possess them also."

Abe smiled and held Bella tightly before speaking. "I will forgive your lack of confidence in me just this once. Besides my sister even had me scared when she approached mums murderer and turned him to ash. I could feel the heat radiating off her from where I was standing."

My smile dropped as I thought about what I had done. "That's the second time I've turned someone to Ash, but the first time I meant to do it. I'm just as much a murderer as he is."

"Alexa, we are not humans. With more power comes greater risks and danger. It also comes with the responsibility to take matters into our own hands and fight for those who are weaker than us. Sometimes as an Alpha I've had to kill rogues to ensure the safety of the pack even if they hadn't seemed to be that much of a threat. I couldn't take the chance." Zanders words should have been comforting.

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