Chapter 8 - Breathless (Part 1)

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Alexa's POV:

The bus doors closed behind Rachel as the wheels began moving again. Before I could take a step to sit down, Zander stood up and took quick steps towards me.

He was only a step away from me as we both filled the centre isle. From my peripheral vision, I could see Alessia's intense gaze on my right. She was seated in a row between Zander and I, giving her a perfect front row seat.

Zander's arms crossed around one another as he reached for the hem of his long sleeve shirt. His fingers clasped the material with a slow steady motion, my eyes were transfixed and unwavering. My breathing halted as his shirt slowly made its way up from his jean covered hips. It continued up his belly button, and each groove of his immaculate abdominal muscles. I couldn't help the parting of my lips, as my jaw gave way to gravity, it couldn't fight any longer.

His shirt greeted his smooth tanned pecks like long lost friends while covering his face briefly. I couldn't help the twitch in my fingers as I had the intense urge to reach out and touch his blemish free skin. I refrained.... barely.

I couldn't help the warm tingles that enveloped the inner most hidden parts of my body between my legs. They drew together, eliminating the gap between them instinctively. Trying to ignore the feelings he was igniting deep within my core was like pretending I didn't need oxygen to breath. No matter how hard I tried...eventually I'll need to take a breath.

His shirt made its way off of his biceps reluctantly. A little extra force was needed to tug his strong arms out of the thin fabric that had encased them beautifully.

His dark black hair sat messily on his head, and his blue eyes sparkled brightly as he placed his shirt over my head. Only then did he take notice of my stunned appearance. His eyes darted from my eyes down to my parted lips, as I snapped out of my trance. I brought my jaw back to its standard resting place, off of the floor. His shirt rested around my neck like a necklace. I used every ounce of strength and concentration within me, to move my arms into the sleeves.

I gulped realising everyone had seen the exchange between Zander and I. They could see every expression that crossed my face, as I had blatantly checked Zander out. Well, everyone except those who were checking him out also. I had done it without reluctance or shame, and couldn't help myself as my surroundings had been long forgotten.

While in his presence in such proximity, I was unable to hold onto coherent thoughts. I could feel his warmth radiating from his body from where he stood.

A bright pink blush tainted my once pale cheeks, and a knowing smirk appeared on Zander's god like face. He opened his mouth to speak, while paying close attention to my reactions towards him.

"It's cold outside darling, and your dripping wet. I wouldn't want you getting sick and cancel on our da.. um.. plans this Saturday."

I blinked a few times unable to talk. I didn't miss his little nickname for me, or the butterflies swarming in different directions inside my stomach because of it. I also noticed his correction of the word 'date' that almost slipped through his delicious looking lips. My brain literally had no comeback. Absolutely nothing to say! I was a blinking and blushing mess.

"That's a first!" I hear Alessia mumble beside me as the bus came to our stop near the towns shopping district.

I look around realising everyone else had missed their stops, too fixated on the excitement unfolding around them.

Zander must have also realised my train of thought, as he too glanced around the bus at all the faces watching us. He let out the most warm, carefree, stream of laughter.

Zander's abdominal muscles tensed at the action, and his face lit up like the bright moon on the darkest of days. Everyone else's giggles were like little splattering stars trying to compete to no avail. My attention was solely on the bright moon in front of me. I couldn't look away, nor could I help the genuine smile that crossed my face. His eyes still sparkling as he looked down at me with amusement.

"This is the last stop." The bus driver impatiently reminded everyone, wanting everyone to exit the bus. Everyone gathered their bags, and made their way off the bus.

Abe, Alessia and I walked one way while most of the others walked towards the main part of town that was surrounded by endless shops and trees. Guess they were making good use of their missed stops.

The shops sold various items such as clothing, electrical, and manchester items. Restaurants were also scattered between them selling different types of food. The fragrant savoury smelling food was carried by the breeze. Our mouths watered as our stomachs rumbled however I couldn't stop. I needed to change my cold sticky clothes, even if Zander's shirt helped against the cool breeze.

During the short walk home, I filled Abe in on the days events. Just as he went to make fun of me, I reminded him to play nice if he wanted to come along with us on Saturday. Turns out he heard about the party, and was hoping for an invite, so he obliged.

(Present time)

"So" Alessia spoke, bouncing on my bed. "About that party... there are usually games like strip poker. We should find a few sexy items to hide under our outfits, just in case we find ourselves in a bit of deep water." She said with a wink.

"Okay I am definitely not playing strip poker." I said seriously. I threw a glare her way for good measure.

"Really," she asked slowly with a doubtful expression. "Even if a sexy, tall dark and handsome ball of fur, happens to be playing also?" A knowing smile lit up her face, As a strong blush one again betrayed me. I was too distracted and embarrassed by my blushing, to question her odd comment.

Remembering my bodies reaction to Zander as he half stripped in front of me, made me groan out loud. I knew Alessia was right.

"I honestly don't know what's wrong with me. I never care for parties or boys. The worse part is what if things actually get interesting, just for us to have to pack up and leave again in a few years?"

"You already sound attached." Alessia stated with a sad smile. She understood my train of thought better than anyone.
"Trust me... I have a feeling this will be one of our last moves. Do me a favour and don't hold yourself back from being happy. You need to experience life, live a little!"

That caught me off guard. There was something she wasn't telling me, but I let it go. She'll open up when she's ready. I guess she might be right. When I turn eighteen we will technically be adults and can find somewhere to settle down to study, or find work. Who knows, maybe we can move in just the two of us? I smiled at that thought, and what the future might have in store for us.

"You know what, you're probably right, but I definitely need a few days away from Zander or the blush will stain my skin permanently. I'll never be able to look at him again."

"Don't worry I'll help you avoid him, just until Saturday. Besides we have more important things to think about, like what to wear. Once I'm done with you, he won't be able to keep his hands to himself." She said with an evil glint in her eye.

A/N: I loved writing this Chapter. Anyone else feeling a little hot and sweaty? Would love to hear from all my amazing readers! Let me know what you liked or disliked about this chapter?

Reminder to please vote, Like and share. Xx
- LunaGirl72

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