Chapter 2: Gaining new friends and explanations.(All is now well in the world.)

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Excerpt from Percy's journal:

When I opened my eyes, I gasped. Chaos and I were on top of a skyscraper, overlooking a massive city surrounded by forests and oceans.

I asked where we were, and he said that we were at 'Dromgod,' his favorite planet and his base of operations.

I asked what he meant by the base of operations, and he said that as the creator of the universe, he can't fight in wars and battles himself, so he has a strike force to do it for him.

His last strike force went a bit crazy with power, and he had to 'put them down,' he said sadly.

But then he looks at me with joy and offers me the head spot at the strike force. I'm confused as to why he would want me, and he explains.

He's been watching me from birth because I was special to him for some reason. I didn't learn why until a bit later.

But anyway, he watched me from birth, he saw what I went through with Smelly Gabe, what happened in the second Titan war, and followed me throughout the second Giant war.

He told me that I was the most capable and that there was no chance of me going power crazy like the last strike force leader and team did.

I pondered for a while and accepted.
He brought me to the base of operations and showed me my room. It was pretty simple because I would be spending most of my time out on missions and tasks.

The room had a bed, a shelf, a desk, a closet, a doorway to a training room and armory, and a bathroom.

After he showed it to me, he led me to his office. It was what you would expect, big, spacious, filled with odds and ends, along with a huge desk with stacks of paper on it.

He offered me some new weapons, and I accepted. I gave him Mom and Paul's wedding rings, and he made them like Riptide, where they can turn into weapons.

Mom's ring can turn into a sword and a scythe made out of something called 'chaotic silver,' and Paul's can turn into a couple of things. It can be a skinning knife, a ukulele, a big a$$ hammer, and a bow, all made out of some kind of obsidian.

Chaos sat down at his desk and cleared papers before grabbing one and giving it to me. It showed a forested region of a different planet, and he said they there was a monster there that needed to be killed.

I accepted the task, and he teleported me to the planet, but not before setting up a mental link.

It was nice, having something to do. I did tasks and missions alone for a long time, fighting battles, killing monsters and/or dictators, and winning wars. Eventually, he called me into his office with a smile on his face.

I asked if there was another mission, and he shook his head. He said that he had finally talked with Hades and that the rest of the team was to be assembled. He told me that I could only include dead people, so I shouldn't try to convince him to let Thalia or Nico join.

I sat at the desk, thinking about who to bring into the team, and asked what the restrictions were. He just says that they have to be dead.

I widened my eyes and smiled, asking if I could have some time to think about it. He nodded, and I left the room.

About a week later, I walked into his office and slid him a piece of paper. He read it and smiled, noting about how he never would have thought of some of these people. He flicks his hand, and the paper dissapears, presumably to go to Hades.

He smiles at me and laughs happily, saying how nice it is to have his kid back.

I ask what he means, and he quiets down before explaining to me. Apparently, he had a couple lesser known kids, unlike the primordials. One of those kids was his favorite, and it was Elpis, or Hope.

He told me that she had liked humans, and when she heard of Zeus's plan to release illnesses and such upon them, she snuck into Pandora's jar to help them.

When the jar opened, she escaped but was heavily weakened. She was barely more than a spirit at that point, so she could not return to Dromgod.

She stayed on earth for thousands of years, slowly getting weaker, until I was born. Apparently, she had learned from the fates that she would fade soon and needed to pick someone to carry on the mantle of 'Hope.'

She had asked the Fates who they would pick, and they gave her three options. She picked me.

When I was born, she visited me. I don't personally remember the interaction, as I was only a couple of months old.

She gave everything but the core of her person down to me. I would be Percy Jackson, not Elpis.

Throughout my life, I have brought hope to many, without realizing just how exactly I did. It was my actions and personality, plus innate magic, that brought hope to many.

When Prometheus gave me Pandora's jar, it was the final nail in the coffin. I truly became the embodiment of hope, as I was the only one who could release hope from the jar and give up.

While I am Percy Jackson, son of Sally Jackson and Poseidon, I am also Hope, son of Chaos.

I didn't know what to do with this new information, so I asked Chaos if I could do anything I didn't know about.

He smiled and hugged me. He then told me that, along with my current powers and wings, I could instill people with hope on a massive scale, I now had partial immortality and can control fire.

I asked about the fire, and he told me that it was just a product of hope being with Hestia for so long. Speaking of Hestia, if I ever see her again, I need to ask for Pandora's jar back. It holds one final piece of hope.

I left the office and finished the current mission, and about a week later, Chaos called me into his office, telling me that it's time to go pick up the rest of the team.

I smiled, and we teleported to Hades's palace to pick up old friends and new. After we picked up the rest of the team, we all teleported back to Chaos's office. Some gained new powers, but all gained partial immortality.

And for many, many years now, we have all been a small family, going on missions together, eating together, traveling together, singing together, and going to each other's weddings. I trust them all with my life and love them all.

It's been great. And it will be great.

(A/N: I've been having fun writing this story. Thank you for reading!)

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