Chapter 34: The past. (It begins.)

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Percy POV:
[Torture Warning]
I walk out of the forest, my cloak swishing on the ground behind me.

I'm sweating under my mask. The memories are returning violently, ripping me out of the present faster and faster.

My body violently shaking, electricity coursing through it.

I probably shouldn't have eaten the flower, but... hey, Chaos said I'd have to eventually.

Screaming as my body is used as fertilizer for who knows how many painful and poisonous plants.

I start walking around Camp, hoping the memories will start to slow down, only for them to start going faster and faster.

Watching as Calypso silently tries to fix my wounds, crying, grasping Leo's hand tightly.

I take off into the air, launching myself so high that I faintly see the cube again.

Screaming at myself as Annabeth pours a water bottle on me, knowing I could kill them all in seconds, and yet still refusing to.

Icarus calls my name, but I continue to flap my wings upward, crying as the visions get more vivid.

Watching as- no. I'm not watching this one. I'm in it.

I clutch my side, trying to get away from the friends I thought would never hurt me, only to see Jason standing in front of me, crackling with electricity. "Oh no," he says. "We're not done yet, traitor."

I continue to fly up, the cube getting closer and closer, the air getting thinner and thinner. By now, I'm sure Icarus has contacted Luke.

I struggle as much as I can as he grips my arm, dragging me up, up, up, miles into the air. "Y'know Percy, I always wondered why you didn't like flying. It made just want to... drop you," he says with a sick grin as he lets go of my arm.

My cloak vibrates endlessly. All the team members must be trying to get a hold of me. My eyes widen as I start to leave the blue of Earth behind.

I land in a massive crash and moan. I can feel my broken bones, which seems to be most of them. I let out a sob and watch as Jason falls, faster, faster, faster... directly to me, with his sword drawn.

I turn around and stare wordlessly. The Earth is spread out below me. My jaw almost drops as I realize how fast I was flying.

I stare at the sword in my stomach, feeling the Imperial Gold slowly poison me. Piper walks out of the trees and stands next to Jason. She grabs his hand and kisses him on the cheeck.

I wince and turn back around to view the cube. Of course. Of course it was made by him.

Piper walks up to me and lightly tilts my head to look at her. "For what it's worth, Percy... we wouldn't do this if you weren't a traitor."

The cube is massive, and almost completely white. The only non-white color on it is the number 2, and the words, "Ouranus Corp."

I stare at Piper in disbelief. "What? I told you I'm not -" I cough, and blood flies out of my mouth, hitting Piper in the face. She recoils and wipes it off, glaring at me. "I liked that makeup," she says angrily.

I fly forward in anger towards the cube, and wind my arm back for a punch.

Piper grasps the handle of the sword inside of me and pulls it like a lever. I gasp in pain as it shreds through my body.

Percy Jackson, the embodiment of hope.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora