Chapter 20: Nyx and Gaea. (COOKIES)

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Excerpt from Percy's journal:

Alright, so I decided to write down what what I know about my siblings, because, well...

If I die, I want my funeral to be at Camp, and I know full well my siblings will show up. So, Luke, if you're reading after I'm dead, read the campers these pages.

With that out of the way, I should explain probably the Primordial the demigods hate the most: Gaea.

But I'm not gonna. I'm gonna explain her after Nyx, cause Gaea has some bombs to drop.

Now, to explain something. Mortals will often say Primordials have a 'good side' and 'bad side'.' This is false.

However, after eons of being asleep, we have incredibly bad judgment, are cranky, easy to anger, and quick to make decisions. Basically, we become angry destructive idiots.

Nyx was stuck in her mansion, basically asleep, for eons before Akhlys released her to sacrifice me and Annabeth to her.

That's why she tried to kill us. She's actually quite nice and would love to apologize to Annabeth.

She hates Baskin Robbins with a deep passion. Although it seems to be a legitimate hate, as the one time I tricked her into going I to a Baskin Robbins, she ran out screaming bloody murder, covered in all the ice cream flavors. They had magically shot out of their containers and dumped themselves on her.

We occasionally will do a hide and seek game in her mansion, often with some of her kids. Thanatos is pretty cool.

Nyx took an immediate liking to Bianca and ended up making her her champion, which Zoe and Luke were ecstatic about. Shadow traveling wastes practically no energy for her now, which means they can go on dates, sneak out, and do missions easier.

My team will be the death of me.

Most of Nyx's kids are fine. I still dislike the aurai, but... I can interact with them.

Akhlys refuses to show up to my Christmas parties, which makes me sad.

Nyx had a complicated relationship with Erebus. For a long time, they were just friends who 'did it' sometimes. Then she caught feelings, they married, and he turned.

According to her, it was good for a while. Then Erebus turned, and she learned why he never had lovers.

He was selfish, manipulative, and abusive. Somehow, he had hidden his traits from Nyx for eons, probably due to them just being friends, and them only being recently getting extreme.

The divorce was messy, but Gaea, Bianca, and me all helped her through it.

Apparently, he hated it, but there's not much you can do when Chaos looks at the divorce paper, says it's official, and then throws a stapler at your head.

He still has some staples in his face. it's awesome. Makes me think of Jason, though, and that's not a happy memory.

Heights are still difficult for me to handle, especially when anywhere near electricity.

I'm so gonna shoot Erebus one day. What's annoying is that now he always has some kind of... bodyguard with him? I don't see him often (thankfully,) but when I do, he's with a girl (I think) in a cloak with a mask.

He's very affectionate, but she doesn't reciprocate. It's weird because I'm sure I recognize the girl, I just... never see her face.

He calls her his 'assassin', though, so maybe I've just seen her on missions.

Gaea regrets the war a lot. So much, in fact, that she has been trying to help the demigods from the sidelines. Not by much, as it'd be suspicious, but just enough.

Now, onto my experiences with her.

She loves cookies. I'm not completely sure why, but she is, for some reason, obsessed with them, as well as hating cupcakes with a passion. Again, I don't know why.

When we bake together, it's calm and relaxed, as she points her excitement into actually eating the cookies.

Her and Nyx are my two closest siblings, only behind Estelle. Gods above, Estelle... if you somehow read this... I'm so sorry. I failed you.

Gods above...

Anyway, we have karaoke nights every so often and occasionally go down to earth.

Nowhere near New York, though.

She can be incredibly calm, as well as incredibly easy to anger, and it really depends on the situations on Earth.

That's one of the reasons she was angry at everyone during the war, all the weather changing as well as me blowing up Mt. Saint Helen's really got her mad.

Her situation with Ouranus is... complicated. She loves him and really wants him back in her life, but he's, well... I'll get to that when I get to his chapter. Y-know the cut song from the Lorax, Biggering? That's basically Ouranus.

Anywho, I made a deal with her that's kinda irrelevant now. When we first met, we were at each other's throats.

But eventually, I just asked if we could make a deal. If she doesn't screw with mortals or cause anymore wars, I'd try and get her back with Ouranus.

I haven't yet fulfilled my part of the deal, but I'm trying. He's just really difficult to get to right now, being the head of a giant space corporation.

And lastly, Gaea's kids. They all suck, except for like... Damasen, Bob, and some other Titans are cool. Gaea adopted Bellerophon, and... crap, I just realized that if her kid is in the audience for my funeral, he's gonna hear this. Sorry, Screwbolt.

Something I should say about Gaea to explain her child is that at the end of the first Giant War, a small part of her was... split off. It rested in dormancy for a while before 'waking up.' It was a mortal, and eventually Gaea used a fire to burn it and combine back with it.

What she didn't realize at the time was that this splinter of her had a child, one that she didn't know was her child until way too late. 

They had already destroyed each other.

Gaea's only non-adopted demigod child was someone she hated for a long time and someone she traumatized badly.

Her child would gladly bring her back to kill her again.

And her child goes by the name of Leo Valdez.

Sorry, Screwbolt.

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