Chapter 80: Jonathan and Grover talk. (Ski Lodge)

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David sighed as he opened the cash register, beginning the end of the day count. The Ski Lodge had been incredibly busy today (probably due to little Ava's birthday), and he had ended up with double the people today than normal, which meant he had to call in some of his employees from the attached restaurant.

But, more people meant the need for more register checks. The idea one of his employees would steal was laughable, but rules were rules. As he counted each bill one by one, Florence walked up to the door.

"See ya, boss," she said.

"Have a good night," David replied. "Please switch the sign to closed on your way out."

Florence nodded and walked through the door, shutting it and switching its sign. The door shut with a soft thump, and David moved to other bills, beginning to count them. For about ten minutes, he worked on counting the money, eventually smiling and shutting the register. No money was missing.

As he bent down under the counter to unplug it, the door dinged open.

"Florence?" He asked as he unplugged the register. "Did you leave something?"

He rose back up from the counter and stared at the man in front of the counter. The man was bundled in a snow covered cloak, and his face was obscured by his hood. David could faintly see traces of colored movement on the cloak through the snow.

"Sir," he said as his hand slowly moved toward the taser on his belt. "We're closed. I'm..."

His gaze moved path him and looked at the door, which was still firmly shut. He frowned and moved his hand closer to the taser. "I'm not quite sure how you got in, but I must ask you to leave."

The man stayed silent, but he did shift his face up a little bit. David's eyes widened as he looked at the bottom half of the mans face. It looked somehow wooden, and yet, the mouth and had sharp teeth that were opened threateningly, with small bits of animal-like drool dripping. Almost... like the man was salivating. He quickly grabbed the taser and lifted it, firing it at the man.

The taser hit the man and immediately fried itself in a loud burst, doing nothing to target. The mouth closed, and the wooden skin seemed to disappear, becoming a normal human mouth.

"I-- I'm sorry," the cloaked man said. "I lost control for a moment. Is-- is this ______ mountain?"

"Y-- yes," David said. "But the Ski Lodge is closed. We open tomorrow at 9:00, if you--"

"Thank you," the cloaked man said before turning around. He walked to the door and opened it, walking back out to the snow.

The door shut behind the man with a soft click, re-locking. David calmed his breathing and looked down at the fried taser before walking around the shop, making sure everything was locked. It was.

As he clocked out for the day and shut the lodge down, he noticed tracks leading up the mountain.
"H-- Hi Grover," Jonathan said nervously, looking up at the Satyr. "How have you been?"

Grover narrowed his eyes. "How do you think?"

Jonathan winced. "Grover, I-- I swear there's a reason I acted the way I did. Erebus used me, and--"

Grover leaned down and poked Jonathan. Both of them teleported away and reappeared on a wooden table in the camp forest, facing each other. The Roman's city floated above them.

Grover stared at Jonathan. "What were you saying?"

"I-- when we were in the facility, and you stayed behind to save me, I broke the handle of the exit. I couldn't escape, but then Erebus showed up. He promised to save us... if I gave him a puppet," Jonathan said nervously.

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