Chapter 4: Back at Camp. (Yay.)

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Percy POV:

I step out of the portal and appear at Thalia's tree. The rest of my team greets me, and Chaos gives me a hug before teleporting away, taking the jar with him.

A horn blows, and Campers walk up to us, led by Jonathan, Annabeth, and Nico. He looks unhappy to be walking alongside the other two.

"Who are you!" Jonathan demands, pointing his sword at us. I look at him through my mask with disgust and say, "We are the personal strike force of Chaos himself, and we are here to help you win a new war."

Annabeth eyes us warily. "There's only five of you?" She asks.

Luke chuckles. "No, there's much more than that. The others are doing other missions right now."

Annabeth nods. "I see. Why are almost all of you hiding your faces?"

"We do not wish to reveal our identities, at least not yet. Only one of us has revealed his identity, and he is the only one not wearing a mask," I say.

"Hello, I'm Hyacinthus," Hyacinthus says as he waves to the campers.

Everyone looks at him in shock.

"L-like THE Hyacinthus?" Annabeth asks.

He nods. "Some of the strike force is un-modern demigods and heroes."

Annabeth turns her head towards us. "Are any of you un-modern demigods?"

Zoe laughs. "Yes, and no. But that doesn't matter. What matters is that we are here to help and train you."

Annabeth nods along with Nico, but Jonathan speaks up.

"I don't need training from you! I'm the best demigod ever!"

We all laugh, and Orpheus says, "Look, kid. Hyacinthus and I are the weakest in this team, and we could beat you six ways from Sunday, anytime."

Jonathan's face grows red, and he yells, "Oh yeah?! I challenge your leader to a duel, and when I beat him, I get to..."

He looks over all of us, and his gaze lands on Zoe. He grins and says, "When I win, I get to have her as mine."

Luke growls and steps forward, unsheathing his sword while Zoe draws her bow.

I step forward before either can act and walk up to Jonathan.

"I am the leader, and you will NEVER say something like that again. Or else. Understand?"

He laughs and says, "You're the leader? You don't look like much. I bet I could beat you in seconds."

I growl and start talking quietly, so only my team, him, Annabeth, and Nico can hear me.

"Be careful who insult, boy. I have killed thousands with my bare hands. I've won wars single-handedly. I could snap my fingers and kill you. Tell me, Jonathan," I say as I light my hand on fire. "What is your opinion on burning to death?"

He pales and scrambles backward, sheathing his sword. I chuckle and extinguish my hand. Nico looks at me and asks, "Are you a child of Hephaustus?"

I laugh. "No, but I have one on my team. He plays the drums. Now, I believe that my team and I should make proper introductions, if you would be so kind as to get out of the way."

Nico nods and moves out of the way with Annabeth. I notice her watching me as I walk to the Ampitheatre.

When we reach the Ampitheatre, I make sure all the Demigods are here. The 7 plus Nico and Calypso are all in the front row. They are all looking at us with confusion.

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