Chapter 5: The blob, the dragon, and the snake. A.K.A, my friends.

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Excerpt from Percy's journal:

It was my first mission, and I wanted to do well. I was teleported to the forested region where my mission was to take place and then left alone.

I hunted alone in the forest, prowling, and trying to find the creature. I heard an enormous roar to the west and immediately started heading towards it.

When I found the creature, I stopped. It was in a forest clearing, covered in blood, and there were bones all over the place.

The creature looked like an elephant combined with a kraken. It was a massive gelatinous sphere, covered in tentacles. It was sleeping, so I approached it.

I managed to find its eye and stabbed it with my skinning knife.

It roared and awoke. What followed next was a couple hours of boring fighting, but eventually, I managed to kill it.

After it died, I hunted around the area to make sure there was nothing else and came across a strange looking ball.

I poked it with a stick, and it opened an eye. It shot a tentacle out at me and grabbed my leg with it. I was about to stab it when it started to float.

It floated in front of my eyes and looked into them with its mouth. It slowly floated to my shoulder, and then sat on it, and attached some of its tentacles to my shoulder.

I hesitantly petted it, and it seemed to purr. I named it Carl, and he's been with me to this day.
Excerpt from Percy's journal:

I was still in the deep, deep, depression. The rest of the team has tried to help, but it doesn't help.

We failed an extremely important mission and lost four members. They were gone, sent to rebirth. Four of my friends, two of whom were my brothers, were gone.

Chaos called me into his office and gave me a solo mission. I had to go to a planet simply known as A-725 and deal with a herd of monsters there.

The planet name sounded familiar, but nonetheless, I accepted the mission and was teleported to the planet. Carl was on my shoulder, like always.

I looked around. I was in a desert, with snow-capped mountains far behind me. I mentally asked Chaos where to go, and he said up the mountain.

I followed his instructions and started my travel. Occasionally, I would throw Carl like a soft ball ahead of me so he could scout. I have a mental link with him, so he relays what he sees. He likes it when I throw him, says it feels like flying.

I was nearing the peak of the highest mountain when I heard it. Roaring, but not angry roaring. Sad roaring, along with a different hungry roaring.

I made it to the top and saw an enormous dragon, dead, cut, and bloody, huddled over a much smaller dragon, one that was about the size of my arm.

A creature that looks almost like a Pterodactyl combined with a Lion was trying to get the small dragon but is unable to break through the big dragons body. Multiple of its kind are scattered across the ground dead. There were at least 50 of them, and now there was only one. The one trying to kill said small dragon.

Dragons are majestic creatures, like Pheonixs and Leviathans. It is known across the universe that they are not to be harmed, and yet this creature and its kind has killed one, presumably in search of food.

In my anger, I tore the creature apart. I used all the built-up anger and sadness I had and channeled it into decimating this horrible creature.

I ripped its wings from its body and punched it in the snout. It tried to bite me, but I dodged. I leaped forward and drove my hands through its chest, and then drove in my other hand next to it. I pulled my hands apart and split the creature in two. I fed the heart to Carl.

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