A/N: Part 2 is finished!

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You read the title right! Aftermath was the final chapter of Part 2. It wasn't quite as long as Part 1, and expect part 3 to be a bit shorter than part 2 as well. There is probably 20-30 chapters left in the story.

I've had a whole lot of fun telling and writing this story, and I've loved interacting with all of you!

As for when the part 3 will begin... it will be soon. However, my spring break is about to end, and I have an assignment at school that will be taking up a lot of my time. Lots of original one-shots. The break shouldn't be too long, it's not like this story is going on hiatus or anything.

You might have noticed cursing in the last chapters, when comparatively this story hasn't used that many swears. Will there be more cursing in the future? Probably not.

Thank you for reading!

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