Chapter 61: Meeting Thalassa. (Good news!)

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Percy focused and found an empty solar system. Gathering his power, he attacked. One of the planets cracked and suffered a large earthquake, but nothing else happened. Everything just continued to revolve around the star, as if nothing had happened.

He opened his eyes and screamed in anger, standing up and punching a nearby tree. It exploded and flew through the forest. Bianca threw her hands up, and bones shot out of the ground, catching the tree and letting it thump to the ground. 

"That bad?" She asked, a worried frown on her face.

Percy rubbed his face in anger. "Yeah. One earthquake. That's nowhere near the power I need to fight Tartarus or Erebus, especially with one that's BOOSTED WITH MY POWER!"

"I told you to leave me behind," Octavian said. He was sitting on Zeus's fist, lightly swinging his legs in the air. "If you had just left the facility, I would be dead, and you would still have your power. Win-win."

Percy glared at him. "You can't be serious. I saved you from death and sacrificed some of my own power to do it, and you're berating me?"

Octavian shrugged. "I want to die. This stupid black stuff hurts, y'know? It hurts a lot."

"Alright. I changed my mind," Percy said. "You're going to atone."

"How?" Octavian asked. "If I take this mask off, what do you think the camp will do to me?"

Percy smirked. "Well, you'll obviously need some training first."

He raised his hand and Octavian paled. "Wait, Percy," he stammered. "I've never been good at fighting."

Percy chuckled. "Then it's a good thing you'll be training for something else. Good luck with my uncle!"

He whisked his hand, and Octavian disappeared in a flash of purple and a yelp of fear.

"That was an... interesting choice," Bianca said, staring at the spot Octavian had been sitting. "What is he going to training for?"

Percy smiled. "Future-telling. He'll be our resident Oracle, and he'll be training alongside Order's new lieutenant. That should be good for them. Better training, y'know?"

"Like when Zoe and Luke trained together?" Bianca asked with a smile.

Percy nodded. "Yeah. Like that. Speaking of Zoe..."

He looked up to the sky. "She hasn't contacted us in a while. Maybe I should check up on her and see if there's anything she has to report about."

"Nah," Bianca said. "She's got everything handled, I'm sure of it. Have some faith in her."

Percy nodded and looked at her. "Yeah... yeah, you're right. It's probably a waste of more valuable energy right now, anyway."

"Yeah," Bianca said. "But I do hope they're doing okay. If there were no hiccups or surprises to slow them down for once, it'd be great."

Percy laughed. "Yeah, it would."

As they both turned to walk back to the camp, Percy spotted something out of the corner of his eye. He turned and looked through the trees, faintly glimpsing what looked like him, except sobbing and transparent. His third eye turned as well, but the apparition didn't show up in its vision.

Percy frowned.

"Everything okay?" Bianca asked.

Percy blinked, and the apparition disappeared. "Uh, yeah, I just... yeah, I'm good."

He turned and followed Bianca back to the camp, trying to ignore the slow feeling of unease creeping up on him.


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